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Shanna (USA: OK) : wishlist

Author Title Count Amazon Action 
Collins Gem Dictionary of First Names: A Fascinating Guide to Over 2000 Names: Meaning - Origin - History0
Arthur. William. 1796-1875.An etymological dictionary of family and Christian names with an0
Nathan AasengThe Cherokee Nation Vs. Georgia: The Forced Removal of a People (Famous Trials Series)0
Marie-Jeanne AbadieMulticultural Baby Names: 5,000 African, Arabic, Asian, Hawaiian, Hispanic, Indian, and Native American Names0
Peter AckermanA Force More Powerful: A Century of Non-Violent Conflict0
Peter AckermanStrategic Nonviolent Conflict: The Dynamics of People Power in the Twentieth Century0
Rudolph AckermannAckermann's Costume Plates0
Douglas AdamsLife,the Universe and Everything0
Douglas AdamsMostly Harmless (Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy)0
Douglas AdamsThe Restaurant at the End of the Universe0
Douglas AdamsSo Long, and Thanks for All the Fish0
{Douglas;} G AdamsThe Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy : A Novel0
Bunmi AdebayoDictionary of African Names Vol.1: Meanings, Pronunciations and Origin0
Salahuddin AhmedThe Dictionary of Muslim Names0
Leslie AlcockArthur's Britain: History and Archaeology A.D. 367-634 (Penguin Classic History)0
Grace Alvarez-AltmanNames in Literature: Essays from Literary Onomastic Studies0
Bill AmendOrlando Bloom Has Ruined Everything: A FoxTrot Collection0
Deborah AnapolPolyamory in the 21st Century: Love and Intimacy with Multiple Partners0
Catherine M. AndronikKindred Spirit: A Biography of L. M. Montgomery, Creator of Anne of Green Gables0