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Sandi Riedel (USA: MD) : wishlist

Author Title Count↓ Amazon Action 
Mary SaumsMighty Old Bones (Thistle & Twigg Mysteries)2 [mooch]
Alice KimberlyThe Ghost and Mrs. McClure (Prime Crime Mysteries)1 [mooch]
Diane Mott DavidsonFatally Flaky1 [mooch]
Shirley DamsgaardThe Witch's Grave: An Ophelia and Abby Mystery (Ophelia and Abby)1 [mooch]
Sam Stall100 Dogs Who Changed Civilization: History's Most Influential Canines0
Sam Stall100 Dogs Who Changed Civilization: History's Most Influential Canines0
Wendy RobertsThe Remains of the Dead: A Ghost Dusters Mystery0
Spencer QuinnDog on It: A Chet and Bernie Mystery0
Spencer QuinnDog on It: A Chet and Bernie Mystery (Chet and Bernie Mysteries)0
Tim MyersAt Wicks End (Prime Crime Mysteries)0
Shirley Rousseau MurphyCat Striking Back0
Shirley Rousseau MurphyCat Coming Home: A Joe Grey Mystery0
Shirley Rousseau MurphyCat Coming Home LP: A Joe Grey Mystery0
Shelia LoweWritten In Blood: A Forensic Handwriting Mystery0
Sheila LoweDead Write: A Forensic Handwriting Mystery0
Sue Ann JaffarianGhost a la Mode: A Ghost of Granny Apples Mystery0
Wolfgang J. HuschkeThe Candy Bombers0
Tom CoxUnder the Paw: Confessions of a Cat Man0
Susan ConantAll Shots0
Sandra ChoronPlanet Cat: A CAT-alog0