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Ryan (USA: TX) : wishlist

Author Title Count Amazon Action 
Fourier. Charles. 1772-1837.The passions of the human soul. By Charles Fourier. Tr. from the0
Louis AlthusserFor Marx (Radical Thinkers)0
Louis AlthusserThe Humanist Controversy and Other Texts0
Louis AlthusserOn Ideology (Radical Thinkers)0
Louis AlthusserPhilosophy and the Spontaneous Philosophy of the Scientists & Other Essays0
Louis AlthusserReading Capital: (Radical Thinkers)0
Louis AlthusserWritings on Psychoanalysis: Freud and Lacan0
Marc D., Ph.D. AngelMaimonides, Spinoza and Us: Toward an Intellectually Vibrant Judaism0
Willy ApollonAfter Lacan (Suny Series in Psychoanalysis and Culture)0
David AppelbaumJacques Derrida's Ghost: A Conjuration0
Thomas AquinasAquinas: Selected Writings (Penguin Classics)0
Thomas AquinasThe Summa Theologiae Of St. Thomas Aquinas: Latin-English Edition, Prima Pars, Q. 1-640
R. ArringtonWittgenstein and Quine0
AryashuraGarland of the Buddha's Past Lives (Volume 1) (Clay Sanskrit Library)0
Justin AryashuraGarland of the Buddha's Past Lives (Volume 2) (Clay Sanskrit Library)0
AshvaghoshaHandsome Nanda (Clay Sanskrit Library)0
AshvaghoshaLife of the Buddha (Clay Sanskrit Library)0
Ann W. AstellLevinas and Medieval Literature: The "Difficult Reading" of English and Rabbinic Texts0
Saint, Bishop of Hippo AugustineOn Free Choice of the Will0
Lionel BaillyLacan: A Beginner's Guide (Oneworld Beginner's Guide)0