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pmoffitt0609 (USA: NJ) : wishlist

Author Title Count Amazon Action 
Roy F. BaumeisterWillpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength0
Mark BittmanThe Minimalist Cooks Dinner: More Than 100 Recipes for Fast Weeknight Meals and Casual Entertaining0
Ilya BoyashovThe Way of Muri (Hesperus Classics)0
Truman CapoteThe Thanksgiving Visitor0
Truman CapoteThe Thanksgiving Visitor0
J. M. CoetzeeWaiting for the Barbarians (Penguin Great Books of the 20th Century)0
Milton CraneFifty Great Short Stories1 [mooch]
Eleanor FarjeonThe Little Bookroom0
David FrenkielGreen Kitchen Smoothies: Healthy and Colorful Smoothies for Every Day0
David FrenkielGreen Kitchen Travels: Vegetarian Food Inspired by Our Adventures0
Stefan GatesThe Extraordinary Cookbook: How to Make Meals Your Friends Will Never Forget0
Jean Craighead GeorgeAcorn Pancakes, Dandelion Salad and Other Wild Dishes0
Jean Craighead GeorgeThe Tarantula in My Purse: and 172 Other Wild Pets1 [mooch]
Diana HenryPlenty0
Astrid LindgrenThe Children of Noisy Village0
Stephenie MeyerLife and Death: Twilight Reimagined0
Caroline MooreheadIris Origo: Marchesa of Val D'Orcia0
Annie RiggGifts from the Kitchen: 100 Irresistible Homemade Presents for Every Occasion0
Renee ShepherdRecipes from a Kitchen Garden0
Jenna WoginrichChick Days: An Absolute Beginner's Guide to Raising Chickens from Hatching to Laying0