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Author Title Count↓ Amazon Action 
John GreenAn Abundance of Katherines: World Book Day 20181 [mooch]
Tom WaitsThe Early Years: The Lyrics of Tom Waits 1971-19830
Serge I. TaneievConvertible Counterpoint in the Strict Style0
Wallace ShawnGrasses of a Thousand Colors0
Wallace ShawnFinal Edition0
Wallace ShawnEssays0
Steven SebringPatti Smith: Dream of Life0
SchoenbergSchoenberg: Style & Idea (Cloth): Selected Writings of Arnold Schoenberg0
Timothy LearyThe Psychedelic Experience: A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead (Citadel Underground)0
Steven G. LaitzThe Complete Musician Textbook: An Integrated Approach to Tonal Theory, Analysis and Listening Package: Includes Workbook 1, Workbook 2, and the 8-CD Set (No. 1 & 2)0
Vuk Stefanovic KaradzicSongs of the Serbian People: From the Collections of Vuk Karadzic (Series in Russian and East European Studies)0
Thomas B. HolmesElectronic and Experimental Music: Pioneers in Technology and Composition (Media and Popularculture)0
Thomas B. HolmesElectronic and Experimental Music0
Thom HolmesElectronic and experimental Music 3rd edition0
Ursula K. Le GuinSteering the Craft: Exercises and Discussions on Story Writing for the Lone Navigator or the Mutinous Crew0
Stephanie GregoirePlein air: Les impressionnistes dans le paysage (French Edition)0
Us GamesOsho Zen Tarot Set (Ozt99) #0
Thomas CampionA New Way of Making Fowre Parts in Counterpoint/Rules How to Compose (Music Theory in Britain, 1500-1700: Critical Editions) (Music Theory in Britain, 1500-1700: Critical Editions)0
Schoenberg ArnoldStructural Functions Of Harmony0
Timothy {Leary;} Ralph {Metzner;} Richard AlpertTHE PSYCHEDELIC EXPERIENCE A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead0