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Author Title↓ Count Amazon Action 
David M. GlantzZhukov's Greatest Defeat: The Red Army's Epic Disaster in Operation Mars, 1942 (Modern War Studies)0
Otto Preston ChaneyZhukov0
Joann SfarZenith: The Barbarian Princess (Dungeon)0
Ian F.W. BeckettYpres: The First Battle 19140
Jaron LanierYou Are Not a Gadget: A Manifesto0
Phil FoglioThe XXXenophile Big Book 'O Fun0
Phil FoglioXXXENOPHILE #1-10 Complete series0
John PrevasXenophon's March: Into the Lair of the Persian Lion0
John ArquillaWorst Enemy: The Reluctant Transformation of the American Military0
Christopher D. McKennaThe World's Newest Profession: Management Consulting in the Twentieth Century (Cambridge Studies in the Emergence of Global Enterprise)0
G.J. MeyerA World Undone0
Melanie PhillipsThe World Turned Upside Down: The Global Battle over God, Truth, and Power0
Peter J. KatzensteinA World of Regions: Asia and Europe in the American Imperium1 [mooch]
Regine PernoudWomen in the Days of Cathedrals0
James L. NelsonWith Fire and Sword: The Battle of Bunker Hill and the Beginning of the American Revolution0
Alberto ManguelWith Borges0
P. W. SingerWired for War: The Robotics Revolution and Conflict in the 21st Century0
Max HastingsWinston's War: Churchill, 1940-19450
Marc Jason GilbertWhy The North Won The Vietnam War0
Vaclav SmilWhy America Is Not a New Rome0