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Author Title Count Amazon Action 
Analisi matematica0
L'ABC di Arduino0
Schaum's Outline of Probability and Statistics, 4th Edition: 760 Solved Problems + 20 Videos (Schaum's Outline Series) by Schiller, John, Srinivasan, R. Alu, Spiegel, Murray (2012) Paperback0
AA.VV.Creare siti web n 24 ore0
G. AgratiSaghe e racconti dell'antica Irlanda. Druidi, bardi e guerrieri0
David Z. AlbertMeccanica quantistica e senso comune0
Charles K. AlexanderCircuiti elettrici0
Peter W. AtkinsMeccanica quantistica molecolare0
G. BaccaraniProcess and Device Modeling for Microelectronics0
John BaichtalArduino for Beginners: Essential Skills Every Maker Needs0
John BaichtalThe Cult of LEGO0
John BaichtalMake: Bikes0
John BaichtalMake: LEGO and Arduino Projects: Projects for extending MINDSTORMS NXT with open-source electronics0
John BanvilleLa notte di Keplero0
Marco BarberiE... via col vento. Facili progetti per il tuo impianto eolico0
Richard H. BarnettEmbedded C Programming And The Atmel AVR0
Steven BarrettEmbedded Systems Design with the Atmel AVR Microcontroller (Synthesis Lectures on Digital Circuits and Systems)0
Enzo BellucoIl controllo statistico per accettazione0
Howard M. BerlinConoscere i CMOS. Progettazione dei circuiti ed esperimenti0
Howard M. BerlinDesign of Phase-Locked Loop Circuits, With Experiments0