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Author Title Count Amazon Action 
Hide Your Eyes0
James Scott BellDeadlock0
James Scott BellFinal Witness0
James Scott BellTry Dying: A Novel (Ty Buchanan)0
James Scott BellTry Fear0
Victoria BrucePromises from the Past0
Robert BryndzaThe Girl in the Ice: A gripping serial killer thriller: Volume 1 (Detective Erika Foster crime thriller novel)0
P.C. CastTime Raiders: The Avenger0
Jan CoffeyTriple Threat0
Jasmine CresswellPrivate Eyes0
Cindy DeesTime Raiders: The Slayer (Silhouette Nocturne)0
Alton GanskyMarked for Mercy (Ridgeline Mystery Series #1)0
Heather GrahamAll Hallows Eve: A Krewe of Hunters Novella (1001 Dark Nights)0
Heather GrahamCrimson Twilight: A Krewe of Hunters Novella (1001 Dark Nights)0
Sandra, Bojtos HartSomewhere Out There - Time Travel Romance0
Lynn S. HightowerEyeshot0
Lynn S. HightowerFlashpoint0
Kay HooperUntitled Bishop/SCU #2 (A Bishop/SCU Novel)0
Iris JohansenThe Naked Eye: A Novel0
Michael KorytaA Welcome Grave (Lincoln Perry)0