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Lisa (USA: NC) : wishlist

Author Title Count Amazon Action 
Only Hussies Wear Blue Eye Shadow0
Carly AlexanderCharming Christmas0
Madelyn AltA Charmed Death (Bewitching Mysteries, No. 2)0
Madelyn AltHex Marks the Spot (Bewitching Mystery, Book 3)0
Madelyn AltNo Rest for the Wiccan (November 2008)0
Madelyn AltThe Trouble With Magic (Bewitching Mysteries, No. 1)0
Gerry BartlettReal Vampires Hate Skinny Jeans0
Gerry BartlettReal Vampires Hate Their Thighs0
Gerry BartlettReal Vampires Have More to Love0
Gerry BartlettReal Vampires Know Hips Happen0
Gerry BartlettReal Vampires Know Size Matters0
Josie BelleA Deal to Die For (Good Buy Girls)0
Joseph BruchacThe Dark Pond0
Jaci BurtonChanging the Game (A Play-by-Play Novel)0
Jaci BurtonPlaying to Win (A Play-by-Play Novel)0
Jaci BurtonTaking a Shot (A Play-by-Play Novel)0
Meg CabotCraving0
Mary CarterShe'll Take It1 [mooch]
Christopher CicconeLife with My Sister Madonna0
Jane K. ClelandAntiques to Die For (Josie Prescott Antiques Mysteries)0