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Steve (USA: CO) : wishlist

Author Title Count Amazon Action 
Janet ClemensBuilding in an ashen land: Katmai National Park and Preserve : historic resource study0
Joaqlin EstusFure's Cabin, Bay of Islands, Naknek Lake, Katmai National Park & Preserve0
Bernard R HUBBARDAlaskan Odyssey0
Bernard Rosecrans Hubbard100 pictures of little known Alaska0
S.J. Bernard R. HubbardMush, You Malamutes0
Adolph MurieThe Grizzlies of Mount McKinley (Scientific Monographs Series)0
Frank B NorrisIsolated paradise: An administrative history of the Katmai and Aniakchak NPS units, Alaska0
Frank B NorrisTourism in Katmai country: A history of concessions activity in Katmai National Park and Preserve0
Caprice Murray ScarboroughThe Legacy of the "Glacier Priest": Bernard R. Hubbard, S.J (Research manuscript series)0
Dan WakemanFortress of the Grizzlies: The Khutzeymateen Grizzly Bear Sanctuary0