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April (USA: VA) : wishlist

Author Title Count Amazon Action 
Madelyn ArnoldBird-Eyes0
Jeff BahrWeird Virginia (Weird)0
Peter BayliesThe Stay-at-Home Dad Handbook0
Jackie Eileen BehrendThe Hauntings of Williamsburg, Yorktown, and Jamestown0
Randi FoxxAdvanced Sex: 99 Positions for the Sexually Adventurous0
Jeffrey L. GellerWomen of the Asylum0
Lillie GilbertGhosts, Witches & Weird Tales Of Virginia Beach0
Bill HoffmannHeaven's Gate: Cult Suicide in San Diego0
Lisa Nikol NealyPrisoners' Deaths in Local Jails: Factors Influencing Inmate Suicide0
Sean O'ReillyDanger!: True Stories of Trouble and Survival (Travelers' Tales Guides)0
Joseph OberleDiary of a Mad Househusband: Musings on Life as a Stay-at-Home Dad0
Ann PatchettThe Patron Saint of Liars0
Sylvia PlathBell Jar (P.S.)0
Kimberly PowellLiving Miracles: Stories of Hope from Parents of Premature Babies0
Gordon & Roz Denny RamsayGordon Ramsay - A Chef for all Seasons - Ramsey0
Herbert A. SchreierHurting for Love: Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome0
Tori SpellingMommywood0
Mary StephensonMy Child Is a Mother: A True and Happy Story About Open Adoption0
Bill Wiese23 Minutes in Hell0
Allan ZulloFrom Here to Maternity: Outrageous but True Pregnancy Stories0