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Katherine (United Kingdom) : wishlist

Author Title Count Amazon Action 
John BuckinghamChasing the Molecule: Discovering the Building Blocks of Life0
David B. ChamberlainThe Mind of Your Newborn Baby0
Anatomical Chart CompanySpinal Nerves and the Autonomic Nervous System Study Guide (Anatomical Chart Company's Illustrated Pocket Anatomy)0
Mark HawMiddle World: The Restless Heart of Matter and Life0
PhD Mae-Wan HoThe Rainbow and the Worm: The Physics of Organisms0
William K. HortonThe Icon Book: Visual Symbols for Computer Systems and Documentation (Wiley Technical Communication Library)0
Deane JuhanJob's Body: A Handbook for Bodywork0
Evelyn Fox KellerA Feeling for the Organism: The Life and Work of Barbara McClintock0
George LakoffMetaphors We Live By0
George LakoffPhilosophy in the Flesh : The Embodied Mind and Its Challenge to Western Thought0
The Dalai LamaSleeping, Dreaming, and Dying0
Nick LanePower, Sex, Suicide: Mitochondria and the Meaning of Life0
H.R. MaturanaAutopoiesis and Cognition: The Realization of the Living (Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science)0
Humberto R. MaturanaTree of Knowledge0
Toby MurcottThe Whole Story: Alternative Medicine on Trial?1 [mooch]
Tom MyersAnatomy Trains0
Sherwin B. NulandHow We Die: Reflections on Life's Final Chapter0
Sherwin B. NulandHow We Live0
J.L. OschmanEnergy Medicine: The Scientific Basis0
Alice RobertsDon't Die Young: An Anatomist's Guide to Your Organs and Your Health0