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irisin (Austria) : wishlist

Author Title Count Amazon Action 
Elza AdamowiczSurrealist Collage in Text and Image: Dissecting the Exquisite Corpse (Cambridge Studies in French)0
Elza AdamowiczSurrealist Collage in Text and Image: Dissecting the Exquisite Corpse (Cambridge Studies in French)0
Jez AlboroughWhere's My Teddy?0
Luis AlgorriDu hörst von mir0
ANONThe "Pearl": A Journal of Facetiae and Voluptuous Reading (Wordsworth Classic Erotica)0
AnonymousLustful Turk: Or Scenes in the Harem of an Eastern Potentate (Wordsworth Classic Erotica)0
James AnsonThe Larton Chronicles0
Ann BaldwinCreative Paint Workshop for Mixed-Media Artists: Experimental Techniques for Composition, Layering, Texture, Imagery, and Encaustic0
Ann BaldwinCreative Paint Workshop for Mixed-Media Artists: Experimental Techniques for Composition, Layering, Texture, Imagery, and Encaustic0
Nick BantockThe Artful Dodger: Images and Reflections0
Nick BantockThe Museum at Purgatory (Byzantium Book)0
Nick BantockUrgent 2nd Class: Creating Curious Collage, Dubious Documents, and Other Art from Ephemera0
Clive BarkerAbarat0
Clive BarkerAbarat: Days of Magic, Nights of War: Days of Magic, Nights of War Bk.20
Francoise Barret-DucrocqLove in the Time of Victoria: Sexuality and Desire Among Working-Class Men and Women in 19th Century London0
Colin BatemanBelfast Confidential0
Colin BatemanI Predict a Riot0
Colin BatemanMaid of the Mist0
Colin BatemanOf Wee Sweetie Mice and Men0