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DevJers (USA: NJ) : wishlist

Author Title Count Amazon Action 
Bill BrysonIn a Sunburned Country0
Paul EkmanTelling Lies: Clues to Deceit in the Marketplace, Politics, and Marriage, Third Edition0
Jonathan FranzenFreedom: A Novel1 [mooch]
Alexander HamiltonThe Federalist Papers1 [mooch]
Stephen William HawkingThe Universe in a Nutshell0
Bob IngleThe Soprano State: New Jersey's Culture of Corruption0
Sebastian JungerWAR0
Stieg LarssonThe Girl Who Played with Fire: Book 2 of the Millennium Trilogy0
James L. NelsonThe Guardship (Brethren of the Coast Trilogy)0
James PattersonWitch and Wizard0
Douglas (Kent, Alexander) ReemanThe Deep Silence0
Douglas ReemanA Dawn Like Thunder0
Douglas ReemanThe Last Raider0
Douglas ReemanRendezvous-South Atlantic0
Kurt VonnegutA Man Without a Country0
Kurt VonnegutA Man Without A Country0
Alan WeismanThe World Without Us0
Alan WeismanWorld Without Us0
Alan WeismanThe World Without Us0
Evan WrightGeneration Kill1 [mooch]