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Christelle (France) : wishlist

Author Title Count Amazon↓ Action 
Sheri WhiteFeatherTycoon Warrior (Texas Cattlemen's Club) Silhouette Desire #13640
Judith StacyCheyenne Wife0
gena showalterparanormal love0
Gena ShowalterLord of the Vampires0
Gena ShowalterDemon's pleasure0
Gena ShowalterDemon's night0
Gena ShowalterDemon's love0
Gena ShowalterDemon's desire0
Gena ShowalterDemon's angel0
Gena ShowalterDemon's passion0
sala sharonwhippoorwill0
Theresa ScottDark Renegade (Hunters of the Ice Age)0
Theresa ScottCaptive Legacy0
Theresa ScottApache Conquest0
Sharon SalaBad Penny0
lucy monroemoon craving0
Katharine KincaidPainted Horse0
Sherrilyn KenyonDragonswan0
P.C. Cast and Kristin CastMarked0
P.C and Kristin CastChosen0