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Atelbie (Denmark) : wishlist

Author Title Count Amazon Action 
David ApplefieldFrank: An International Journal of Contemporary Writing & Art0
Alastair BrotchieSurrealist Games (Shambhala Redstone Editions)0
Gilles DeleuzeCinema 1: Movement-Image0
Gilles DeleuzeCinema 2: The Time-Image0
Gilles DeleuzeDifference and Repetition0
Jacques DerridaDissemination0
Jacques DerridaWriting and Difference0
Dylan EvansAn Introductory Dictionary Of Lacanian Psychoanalysis0
Jean-Luc GodardGodard on Godard: Critical Writings by Jean-Luc Godard (Da Capo Paperback)0
Susan HaywardLuc Besson (French Film Directors)0
Annette InsdorfIndelible Shadows: Film and the Holocaust0
Luce IrigarayAn Ethics of Sexual Difference0
Jacques LacanThe Language of the Self: The Function of Language in Psychoanalysis0
Jacinto LageiraAtom Egoyan0
Martin O'ShaughnessyJean Renoir (French Film Directors)0
Paul RicoeurThe Conflict of Interpretations (SPEP)0
Ned SherrinThe Oxford Dictionary of Humorous Quotations0
University of Chicago Press StaffThe Chicago Manual of Style0
Andrzej WajdaWajda on Film: A Master's Notes0
Slavoj ZizekLooking Awry: An Introduction to Jacques Lacan through Popular Culture (October Books)0