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Alejandra (Ecuador) : wishlist

Author Title Count Amazon Action 
Jorge AmadoGabriela, Clavo y Canela: Cronica de una Ciudad del Interior (Vintage Espanol)0
Gioconda BelliEl Taller De Las Mariposas/ the Butterfly Workshop (Spanish Edition)0
Gioconda BelliEsto es amor: Poesia erotica reunida, 1970-20050
Gioconda BelliSofia de los presagios (Spanish Edition)0
Gioconda BelliWaslala. Memoria del futuro (Spanish Edition)0
Ikeda KayokoSi El Mundo Fuera Una Aldea De 100 Personas/if The World Were A Village Of 100 People0
Peter MenzelHungry Planet: What the World Eats0
Ana Maria RodasPoemas De La Izquierda Erotica0
Dr. Vandana ShivaBiodiversity Based Organic Farming: A New Paradigm for Food Security and Food Safety0
Vandana ShivaBiodiversity : Social and Ecological Perspective0
Vandana ShivaClose to Home0
Vandana ShivaClose to home : women reconnect ecology, health and development worldwide / edited by Vandana Shiva0
Vandana ShivaThe Enclosure and Recovery of the Commons: Biodiversity, Indigenous Knowledge and Property Lights0
Vandana ShivaManifestos on the Future of Food and Seed0
Vandana ShivaSoil Not Oil: Climate Change, Peak Oil and Food Insecurity0
Vandana ShivaSustainable Agriculture and Food Security: The Impact of Globalization0
Tristram StuartWaste: Uncovering the Global Food Scandal0