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Oxford: 25 books

Jean Anouilh Antigone 1
Stephen G. Michaud and Hugh Aynesworth Ted Bundy Conversations with a Killer 1
Louis De Bernieres Captain Corelli's Mandolin 2
Suzanne Collins The Hunger Games 1
Marcos Bote Díaz Los mayores y el amor : una perspectiva sociológica 1
William Fiennes The Snow Geese 1
Patricia Finney I, Jack 1
Dostoevskij Fëdor Pensieri 1
Jeff Giles The Edge of Everything 1
Mick Jackson Five Boys 1
Ann Kelley The Bower Bird 1
Michael Kilduff Working with Short Stories 1
Jan Mark The Stratford Boys 1
Pete McCarthy McCarthy's Bar: A journey of discovery in Ireland 1
Pete McCarthy The Road to McCarthy 2
Rebecca Miller Personal Velocity 1
Alberto Moravia Librio: Le Mepris 1
Claudia Pattison Wow! 1
Charlie Pye-Smith The Other Nile: Journeys in Egypt, The Sudan and Ethiopia (Penguin Travel Library) 1
Don Shiach Grammar to 14: Student's Book (Skills and practice) 1
Sophocle Antigone 1
Mark Swallow Zero Per Cent (Collins Flamingo) 1
Valérie Zenatti Une bouteille dans la mer de Gaza 1

[Correct the translation]