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F. Alceri Managing Security in Europe: The European Union & Challenges of Enlargement (Strategies for Europe) 1
Peter Andreas The Rebordering of North America: Integration and Exclusion in a New Security Context 1
Elizabeth Bomberg The European Union: How Does it Work? (New European Union) 1
Stephen L. Carter Integrity 1
Laurence Chang The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962: A National Security Archive Documents Reader (National Security Archive Documents Readers) 1
Ken Conca Green Planet Blues: Environmental Politics from Stockholm to Johannesburg 1
Jack Donnelly International Human Rights (Dilemmas in World Politics) 1
Angela Drakulich Global Agenda, A: Issues before the 59th General Assembly of the United Nations, 2004-2005 Edition (Global Agenda: Issues Before the General Assembly of the United Nations (Paperback)) 1
John S. Dryzek The Politics of the Earth: Environmental Discourses 1
Ivo D. Duchacek Nations and Men 1
W. Raymond Duncan World Politics in the 21st Century 1
Larry Everest Oil, Power and Empire: Iraq and the U.S. Global Agenda 1
Alton Frye Toward An International Criminal Court? A Council Policy Initiative 1
John Lewis Gaddis Surprise, Security, and the American Experience 1
Richard N. Haass Transatlantic Tensions: The United States, Europe, and Problem Countries 1
Mark Hertsgaard The Eagle's Shadow: Why America Fascinates And Infuriates The World 1
Paul Hirst Globalization in Question: The International Economy and the Possibilities of Governance 1
Bruce Hoffman Inside Terrorism 1
Holmes Terrorism 1
Max Kaase Estranged Friends?: The Transatlantic Consequences of Societal Change 1
Peter J. Katzenstein A World of Regions: Asia and Europe in the American Imperium 1
Michael T. Klare Rising Powers, Shrinking Planet: The New Geopolitics of Energy 1
V. Kubalkova Marxism and International Relations (Marxist Introductions) 1
Hans Küng A Global Ethic for Global Politics and Economics 1
Richard Langhorne The Essentials of Global Politics (Essentials of ...) 1
Karl Marx El Capital Seleccion/the Capital Sellection (Spanish Edition) 1
John S McCormick The European Union: Politics And Policies, Second Edition (New Europe (Westview Pr)) 1
Stanley Meisler United Nations: The First Fifty Years 1
Richard A. Melanson Reconstructing Consensus: American Foreign Policy Since the Vietnam War 1
John Stuart Mill On Liberty (Hpc Classics Series) 1
Henry R. Nau Perspectives on International Relations: Power, Institutions, And Ideas 1
Laura C. Nelson Measured Excess 1
P.J. O'Rourke Peace Kills 1
James Lee Ray Global Politics 9th Edition 1
William L. Riordan Plunkitt of Tammany Hall 1
Thomas Risse-Kappen Cooperation among Democracies 1
Enrique Baltar Rodriguez Politica Internacional - Contemporanea (Spanish Edition) 1
Michael G. Roskin IR: The New World of International Relations (7th Edition) 1
Simon Serfaty The Vital Partnership: Power and Order 1
Anthony Shadid Legacy of the Prophet: Despots, Democrats, and the New Politics of Islam 1
Simon Shen Redefining Nationalism in Modern China: Sino-American Relations and the Emergence of Chinese Public Opinion in the 21st Century 1
Keith L. Shimko International Relations: Perspectives and Controversies 1
Harry G. Summers New World Strategy: A Military Policy for America's Future 1
Charles Taylor Multiculturalism and the Politics of Recognition: An Essay 1
Terry Terriff Security Studies Today 1
Carlos Alberto Patino Villa El Origen del Poder de Occidente (Spanish Edition) 1
Thomas G. Weiss The United Nations and Changing World Politics 1
Ezer Weizman Battle for Peace 1
D. Whittaker United Nations in the Contemporary World (Making of the Contemporary World) 1
Coletta A. Youngers Drugs and Democracy in Latin America: The Impact Of U.S. Policy 1


[Correct the translation]