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Sharon Ashwood Enchanted Guardian 1
Jay Bonansinga Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead: Search and Destroy (The Walking Dead Series) 1
Don Borchert The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and the Undead 1
Dan Brown El Simbolo Perdido (MM) (Bestseller Internacional) (Spanish Edition) 1
Patrick Byrne Irish Ghost Stories 1
Carla Cassidy Silent Screams (Reader's Choice) 1
Laura Childs Devonshire Scream (A Tea Shop Mystery) 1
Keith Donohue The Motion of Puppets: A Novel 1
Doranna Durgin Fearless (Angel) 1
Jordan E. Goodman Master Your Money Type: Using Your Financial Personality to Create a Life of Wealth and Freedom 1
Walter Greatshell Terminal Island 1
Austin Grossman You 1
Dean Koontz Fear Nothing: A Novel 1
Dean Koontz Seize the Night: A Novel 2
Ryan Lockwood Below 1
Brian Lumley Blood Brothers 1
Nick Mamatas I Am Providence 1
Anne Rice Entrevista con el vampiro 2
William Schoell Saurian 1
Joseph Skibell A Blessing on the Moon 1
Tamara Thorne Candle Bay 1


[Correct the translation]