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Belinda Alexandra Kiss of Darkness 1
Dorothy Baldock Favourite Cotswold Recipes (Favourite Recipes) 1
Sylvan Barnet Eight Great Tragedies (Mentor) 1
David Bindman The Thames and Hudson Encyclopaedia of British Art (World of Art) 1
Enid Blyton The Adventures of the Wishing-Chair (Wishing Chair 1) 1
Georgeanne Brennan Williams-Sonoma New Healthy Kitchen: Main Dishes: Colorful Recipes for Health & Well-Being 1
Daniel Burstein Secrets of Angels and Demons 1
Mrs Varinia Cappelletti Tiramisu amore mio: Tiramisu My Love (Volume 1) 1
SparkNotes Editors Spark Notes NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE Hamlet (SparkNotes No Fear Shakespeare) 2
George Eliot Silas Marner (Signet classics) 1
Greg Farshtey Bionicle Adventures #4: Legends of Metru Nui 1
Marianne Fredriksson Inge Und Mira 1
Lori Goldstein Becoming Jinn 1
Wendy Harmer Pearlie and the Lost Handbag 1
Jonathan Harr The Lost Painting 1
Nick Hornby Fever Pitch (Penguin Modern Classics) 2
Florian Illies Generation Golf. Eine Inspektion 1
Jerry B. Jenkins Earthquake! (Left Behind: The Kids #12) 2
roma king The Bow & the Lyre; the Art of Robert Browning 1
Sarah Lark La cancion de los maories (Spanish Edition) 1
Jose Maria Latorre Codex nigrum (Alandar) (Spanish Edition) 1
Parragon Books Ltd. Tapas: Over 100 Temptingly-tasty Dishes (Love Food) 1
Niccolò Machiavelli Mandragola 1
Guy de Maupassant Bel-Ami (Penguin Classics) 1
Ann Mcgovern Stone Soup 1
James McNair James McNair Cooks Italian 1
Pascal Mercier Lea: A Novel 1
Shannon Messenger Let the Sky Fall 1
Jose Rodrigues Migueis A Man Smiles at Death with Half a Face 1
Robert J. Milch Faust, Parts 1 and 2 (Cliffs Notes) 1
N. Scott Momaday Way to Rainy Mountain 1
Christine Nöstlinger Juan, Julia Y Jerico (Alfaguara Infantil) (Spanish Edition) 1
Julie Powell Julie and Julia: My Year of Cooking Dangerously 1
Arthur Rackham English Fairy Tales (Wordsworth Collection Children's Library) (Wordsworth Collection Children's Library) 1
Emilio Salgari I Pirati della Malesia (Italian Edition) 1
Isabelle Sensi Sinfonia Italiana/Italian Symphony (Spanish Edition) 1
William Shakespeare A Midsummer Night's Dream (Shakespeare, Signet Classic) 1
William Shakespeare King Lear (Shakespeare, Signet Classic) 1
William Shakespeare Macbeth (Shakespeare, Signet Classic) 1
William Shakespeare Merchant of Venice 1
Darren Shan Demonata #4, The: Bec: Book 4 in the Demonata series (Demonata) 1
John Steinbeck The Red Pony 1
Judie L. H. Strouf The Literature Teacher's Book Of Lists (J-B Ed: Book of Lists) 1
Lucien Stryk Zen Poetry: Let the Spring Breeze Enter 1
Yukiru Sugisaki D.N.Angel Vol. 02 1
David Trueba Blitz 1
Various Poems of the Late T'ang (Unesco Collection of Representative Works :, Chinese Series) 1
Oscar Wilde El retrato de Dorian Grey (Spanish Edition) 1
Jane Yolen Queen's Own Fool 1
Paul E Zinner East-west Relations In Europe: Observations And Advice From The Sidelines, 1971-1982 (Westview Replica Edition) 1


[Correct the translation]