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Forum: U.S. Postage

Lost book from Portugal

I just received in the mail a returned book that apparently is because the sender used a recycled package of mine that I must have used to send a book to them. It doesn't have a return address for the sender, but mine instead. I can't read the reason for the return because it is either in French or Portuguese. But I do have the recipient's address, which of course doesn't match up with any username here on the site. So, is anyone waiting on the book:

P. N. Elrod : My Big Fat Supernatural Wedding

Is there any other way to try and find the recipient or sender? Not sure what to do from here. Thanks for any help!

9 years ago


Look at the book page, at the recent moochers & givers. Possibly the giver from Canada is your sender (French is used there). I'm pretty sure that's in date order, the first giver/moocher you see is the most recent.
9 years ago
Thanks, I will try that.
9 years ago
It's the other way around, the oldest mooches are at the top and the newest at the bottom of the list ( I double checked by looking at the last book I sent).
9 years ago
Melanie, you are awesome! I believe you are correct. Going to email Schwan now. Thanks!
9 years ago