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Summer Book Challenge
Starting June 21, and ending on September 22, I will be hosting my Summer Reading Challenge! The winner of Level 2 will be awarded a point by me (unless, of course, I win it!). For those who have not participated in my previous challenges, I'll put the rules below, but it's pretty easy. A Level 1 challenge is four books, a Level 2 challenge is six books (please list the books below), they must fit into the categories provided, and the first to complete each level before the end of the season wins! Also, no books under 150 pages are allowed. When you finish the challenge, just post here to let everybody know, and please feel free to discuss with us your opinions of the books you chose as you read them. And if you ever need any help choosing books or understanding the rules, or if you have any ideas you'd like to share for future categories, feel free to contact me either on the forum or by email. Thank you for your participation in my little battle-of-the-books. Happy reading! 1. Read a book by author Clive Cussler. 2. Read a book with the first letter of the title being "F". 3. Read a book randomly drawn (with closed eyes) from your stack of to-be-read books. 4. Read a newly released book. (One from 2016 or 2017.) 5. Read a mystery. 6. Read a book written by an actor. My choices: 1. Poseidon's Arrow, by Clive Cussler and Dirk Cussler 2. Flood Tide, by Clive Cussler 3. The Spirit of the Border, by Zane Grey 4. Days of Insult, by Erin Eldridge 5. The Moonstone, by Wilkie Collins 6. My Stroke of Luck, by Kirk Douglas
7 years ago
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Daisy, what is your favorite Cussler book?
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Oops, sorry. I replied to this question in the Spring challenge. :-)
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I started on My Stroke of Luck last night, and it turned out to be a very quick read. I'm over 3/4ths done it already. What I've read is very good. The book is about Kirk Douglas and how he conquered over a stroke he had that left his side weak, his face droopy, and a speech impediment so bad that nobody understood him. He goes through the process of learning to talk all over again, and he succeeds so well that he got back into movies after his stroke! It's a very encouraging story that give you a whole new look at the man behind the movies.
Great, I'm glad you like the categories I picked. :-) I think that Douglas is a great actor, too. Have you ever seen The War Wagon? According to this book, he did his own stunts in that movie, and he spent a whole lot of time and energy learning cool ways to mount a horse... that's why you see him doing all sorts of flying leaps, mounting from the back, etc. He supposedly used a miniature trampoline for momentum, and John Wayne was laughing at him for it. XD Anyway, I finished that book, and it was very good. I really enjoyed it. Can't wait to see what books you guys choose!
Hello, everyone. Even though I am currently finishing Cold Mountain from the Spring Challenge, here are my 4 Summer choices: 2. Read a book with the first letter of the title being "F". - Fluke by Christopher Moore. One of my favorite authors. Off the wall, but smart and funny. 3. Read a book randomly drawn (with closed eyes) from your stack of to-be-read books. - Daisy, can you believe it? I picked Where there's Smoke by Sandra Brown. I swear my eyes were closed! LOL 5. Read a mystery. - 4th of July by James Patterson 6. Read a book written by an actor. - Rickles' Book, A Memoir by Don Rickles (Actor and Comedian) with David Ritz. As I am trying to finish what I already own, I decided to forgo the Cussler book this time. My brother-in-law thought he owned, Inca Gold, but he couldn't find it. If he had it, I would have read that one. Daisy, I appreciate your offer, but I don't want you to have to pay shipping. Good luck, everyone!
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Those books definitely sound interesting, Honibabi! Especially the Sandra Brown book and the one about Don Rickles (who I always thought was hilarious!). Inca Gold is a good one... not my favorite, but the favorite of a friend of mine, and pretty good still. I don't really mind paying shipping, but it's nice of you to think of that. :-) I finished My Stroke of Luck, and I'm now reading Flood Tide, which is a looooong book and may take me a while to get through. What book are you planning on reading first? And by the way, how was Cold Mountain? Stacy, how are you coming along on the book you're reading? Would you like book suggestions for the challenge?
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I am half way done with Cold Mountain and I am really enjoying it! I know I will be starting late, but the books for the current challenge aren't very long, so I hope to get them read in time!
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I should finish Cold Mountain in the next few days! So close! lol. I will post soon about my next book. Hope to hear from everyone soon!!
Awesome that you're almost done the book, I'd love to hear what you thought of it when you finish it! :-) I'm slightly over half-way through Flood Tide, and so far it is very good, but it's kind of slow-moving for a Cussler action/adventure. Taking a while to finish it up. How about you, Stacy? Where are you at currently in your reading?
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I finished Cold Mountain - See review in Spring Challenge. I am starting James Patterson and Maxine Paetro's, "4th of July".
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Honibabi, I really want to read that book some time, it sounds very interesting. If I get an excess of credits, I'm going to order it. Thanks for telling me about it, and thanks for the review, it was good. :-) Stacy, that book about China sounds pretty interesting. Thanks for sharing about it. :-D And yup, List of 10 would qualify for that. I'm going to be reading Days of Insult because I promised the publisher, so we're even, haha. ;-) I'd love to hear what you think of it, it sounds interesting. So far I'm really enjoying Flood Tide. Over half-way through, and I still haven't figured out why it was named that (it has more to do with China smuggling immigrants into the states than it does flood tides), but I think I'm just getting to the part where it comes into the story, so that will be interesting.
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Sounds good! Yes, it is interesting, isn't it? XD Except for Flood Tide is what I'd call "educational fiction", unlike Escape From Red China, which sounds like nonfiction from your description. I own that book, Poseidon's Arrow, and it looks good, but I have not read it yet. I heard that it was good, though, from a friend who has read it. When I have the time, and after I finish Flood Tide and one other book I'm reading (non-related to the challenge), then I'll make that the next one and maybe we can compare notes. That should be fun! :-)
Stacey, I am absolutely putting, "Escape from Red China" on my reading list! I have not read Poseidon's Arrow or any other Cussler book, but I do feel obligated to Daisy to at least read one. LOL. Daisy - if you want Cold Mountain, it is yours. No points needed!! Let me know before it goes here or on another site I trade items on. I am impressed. You are both obligated to authors! :) I am moving pretty quickly through, "4th of July". Patterson writes in short chapters and simple dialogue so this one shouldn't take me long. Famous last words?? LOL
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Haha, no need to feel obligated! I’m just a huge fan and love talking about books that I believe are very good. Don’t mind me. ;-) That’s generous of you, Honibabi, thank you. But I don’t want you paying shipping, either, so I’ll tell you what… I’ll trade you! If you are interested in any of my books, including but not limited to the Cussler I put on there, just mooch it, and if you post Cold Mountain then I’ll mooch that book from you. Basically, we end up with the same amount of points we had before, and we’re just swapping the books. Sound good? :-) Update: I found it in your inventory, but when you click on it and try to mooch it there is an error; it doesn't say you posted it. I think they have a name for books like that: ghost books. Maybe if you take it off and re-post it. *scratches head* That's weird. What is 4th of July like so far? Is it good? Glad it’s a quick read for you!
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Thanks, Daisy for pointing that out. I just deleted and re-posted. I have no idea what the problem was. Checking out your list now.... Mooched your Cussler. 4th of July is typical Patterson. Won't have a solid opinion until the end. Easy read so far. Kinda predicable.
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No problem. :-) It's showing up now, and I mooched it from you. Thanks! :-D Hope you like the Cussler, and thanks for mooching it. I'd love to see your review of it when you finish it! :-)
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I hope to read the Cussler in this challenge!! I will definitely let you know what I think, whenever I finish it. I can't wait to hear what you think of Cold Mountain, Daisy. Stacey, how are you doing? No pressure ;)
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Honibabi, I'll be sure to let you know what I think of it when I read it. :-D Stacy, I am so happy that you like the forum that much! I've learned about quite a few books that you guys introduced me to on here that I've added to my TBR books, as well! List of 10 sounds like an interesting book. Not really my kind of book, but still interesting. :-) Sounds like a mystery to me! :-) I hope you don't mind, but I added your book list to the first post on this thread, with the books you've already read for the challenge and the ones you have yet to decide on. I really hope that's okay... Feel free to get rid of it if you don't want it there for some reason. :-)
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Stacy, no problem at all. :-) Glad you're pleased. I added the other books to the list, too... wow, you are a very busy reader! The Poitier book sounds interesting, I'd love to know more about it when you read it. :-D I saw him in at least one movie I can think of, The Greatest Story Ever Told, but I think that there were others that just currently slipped my mind.
Stacy, it is hard to keep up with you! LOL. I enjoy Sidney Poitier as an actor, so I am interested in your thoughts on the book. "The Day of the Donald" is definitely going on my TBR list! I have "While Reagan Slept" by Buchwald on my shelf but haven't gotten to it yet. I read, "Too Soon to say Goodbye" by Art Buchwald which he wrote while he was suffering from a terminal illness. I enjoyed it and it made me want to read more of his books. I would read, "List of 10", but I am with you both that this type of book is not at the top of my list. I am half way through 4th of July and there isn't much to say right now. ;(
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Stacy, thanks for the info on Poitier, I didn't know that. Very interesting! Honibabi, I've never even heard of Buchwald before I don't think. I'll have to keep my eyes open for his books now. :-) Sorry if you're not really enjoying 4th of July. :-( Maybe it'll get better, though. :-)
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Just finished Flood Tide. It was very good, I enjoyed it. I'm not sure what book I'm going to start on next, but when I figure it out I'll let y'all know. ;-)
I finished, "4th of July". It was OK. Easy read but I feel like the actual murderers were so unrealistic. It was like he picked the most unlikely characters just to make sure you didn't figure it out. Not because it really made sense. Starting Rickles' Book by Don Rickles.
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The butler didn't do it after all? Who knew dear old Granny could do something like that... Yeah, I hate books like that, too. Then again, if you read more than one book by the same author, the unpredictable becomes EXTREMELY predictable. I'm now reading The Spirit of the Border, by Zane Grey. So far it's very good. I usually enjoy his books.
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Daisy, a butler might have helped the story! LOL. I have yet to like a Patterson book. I just happened to have this one on my shelf to read AND it fit the mystery category. Mystery is not a genre I typically read. Not sure how I ended up owning this one. He continues to disappoint me. I don't go out of my way to read anything he writes, by himself or otherwise. Many of his books are in partnership with another author. I think this is number 3 that I have read. Any who....I am enjoying Rickles' Book. Funny and very clean despite his act. Throw back to the day for sure when you didn't hang out all your dirty laundry. I don't mind because it is entertaining and I don't think he was one of the player comics/actors of his day. Usually, I feel like if your gonna write a biography, don't jip the reader! Put it out there or don't write the book for an easy profit. This book comes across pretty honest and sincere.
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Thanks for the tip about Patterson, guys. I've never read any of his books before, and now I'm pretty sure I don't want to, haha. Rickle's Book sounds very enjoyable, I'd definitely like to keep my eyes open for it and see if I can pick up a copy of it somewhere. Stacy, sorry to hear she never replied. Should be easy enough to pick another random book with closed eyed, though. That's probably the best category to change your mind on, because if's so easy to switch books, haha! How was Oracus? Any good?
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I finished The Spirit of the Border today. It was such a beautiful, sad, yet wonderful story, and I would highly recommend it. It's about two brothers, Jim and Joe, one a Christian missionary trying to convert the Indians, the other a trouble-making Indian hunter. They both love the same girl, and she likes both of them for their own unique personalities. Who will win her heart? I really loved this story, and would consider it one of Zane Grey's best. I'm working my way through Days of Insult. So far it is good, and very realistic and historically accurate, but also rather crude and vulgar. Although I do not like that part of it, I can understand why it is there. War is crude, and those who fought in it were vulgar. That's just how things were. The book would be unrealistic if it was any other way.
Do you read many Zane Grey books, Stacy? I know you've read/owned at least one, because I mooched it from you, haha. He's one of my favorite Western authors. Didn't you read Day of the Donald for #4? I'm not sure that it would fit in anywhere else. Honibabi, how is your reading coming along? How are you enjoying your current book?
That's awesome you like Grey so much. Funny story: we have a cat that comes around some times, and he's grey, so I named him Zane. I used to own another cat named Dirk Pitt, too, haha. Can you tell I'm a true bibliophile? XD Forty Days sounds like a really good book. I'd love to know how you like it when you read it. Stacy, I do believe that you will win this challenge! You read even faster than I do! I finished Days of Insult the other day. It was pretty good... not a very favorite, but pretty good. The author's knowledge of his subject was, I thought, very impressive. I'm switching the mystery book to The Moonstone, by Wilkie Collins. The other book is just too loooooong, haha. Close to 600 big pages. If I stick to that one, I doubt I'll have it finished by the deadline. As it is, The Moonstone is over 450 pages, so even with that one I may be cutting it close. I'm also switching my Clive Cussler choice to Poseidon's Arrow, so that Stacy and I could read the same thing and compare notes. ;-)
Hello, I haven't been on because I was on vacation driving with my mom to visit family along the east coast for 2 weeks. Nice trip but also glad to be home. You are both moving through the challenge easily :) I finished Rickle's book and I enjoyed it. Very easy read. He came across very genuine and likable. Fame didn't really get to his head. It doesn't actually sound like he ever considered himself famous. I started Where There's Smoke by Sandra Brown. I am just 35 pages in. I thought I would get more reading done on the trip than I did. Stacey, I read Beach House too and two thumbs down!
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Glad you had a nice trip, Honibabi! That book sounds really cool. Glad you liked it! :-D How is Where There's Smoke so far? Is it good? I've been reading The Moonstone, and so far it is very, very good. It's so hard to figure out who did it! I know that it could go several ways... I mean, who DOESN'T have a motive for stealing a super rare diamond? Haha. I'm really enjoying it.
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So far, Where There is Smoke isn't bad. I typically don't care for books about family drama but this one is OK so far because the main male character, Key, sounds like someone I would love to meet ;). Hoping to finish it before the end of August. I could use a super rare diamond....LOL.
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Glad you're gleaning some enjoyment from it! Hope it stays good all the way through. :-) I'm adding you to the list of suspects... ;-p
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Hi Daisy and Stacy. I finished Where there is Smoke. I thought it was OK. Didn't wow me, but kept me interested. A few too many side stories around the main characters that I didn't think were necessary. I assume the author, Sandra Brown, was trying to give more life around the main characters and a better build up to the end. She kills off two surprising characters but I didn't feel attached to them despite her effort. I am starting Fluke. I expect it to be off the wall and funny in true Christopher Moore fashion! We are nearing the end. Good luck to both of you in finishing. Tell those pesky author friends to leave you alone for a little while. You have an important book challenge to finish...LOL. Daisy, I expect you're starting to think of the next seasonal topics. Can't wait.
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I heard from Stacy, and she's been really busy lately and won't be able to get on here for a while. She didn't leave, she's just taking a break. Can't wait until you can join us again, Stacy! Glad you finished the book! "Wow, you're on the last book already," was my first reaction, and then I'm like, "wait a minute, it's September already... I'm behind!" Haha. XD Time flies so fast!!! I am indeed thinking up new categories! I'm always open to ideas, so if you could think of anything you'd like to see in the challenge, just let me know and I'll consider it. :-)
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I finished up The Moonstone, and it was very good. Kept you wondering who stole it until the very end, where it had quite a twist ending. I enjoyed it a lot. I'm starting on my Cussler next, and last. Hope I get it read in time! It's going to be awfully close!
Looking forward to your return, Stacy. I am just on page 46 of Fluke and so far it is good. It is about scientists who study whales in Hawaii. Right now it appears a whale is sending messages to one of the scientists. The message was "bite me". The only thing I am gleaning so far is that the scientists are getting close to solving the language of the whale song. I now know that the "Fluke" is what the shape of the whale tail is called. As soon as I know the underlying message from Mr. Moore, I will share. He usually spoofs real and often serious or emotionally charged topics. Daisy, I think a holiday of your choice or favorite holiday themed book might be fun for the winter challenge. Have you done a sports themed category yet? Revisit a book you have tried and couldn't finish? A book your mom/dad/sister/brother/kid picks? Good luck in the next topics and finishing the challenge. It will be close for me as well.
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Good suggestions, thank you! I think I'll use one of them in my Winter challenge, but I found enough ones for this challenge for now. :-) Fluke sounds like a cute book! Glad that you're enjoying it so far. :-D I will finish the book in time... I will finish the book in time... I will finish the book in time! I have to tell myself that, or else I mightn't! Hahaha.
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I will finish the book in time... I will finish the book in time! Maybe if we chant together the energy will help us both! I am really going to try to finish by Sunday, but hopefully if I don't, I won't be that far away from finishing. I am about 100 pages in. Good luck.
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I think I'll finish Poseidon's Arrow at 11:59 PM on the 21st, exactly, haha. I'm THAT CLOSE! Thanks for the good luck wishes, and the same to you, Honibabi! :-)
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I finished the book, and the challenge, the other day, but forgot to post here! It was really good. Not the complex plot of some of his other books (which I actually like), but still really good.
Congratulations, Daisy! So, Fluke, is inspired by Johah and the Whale, from the bible. In this case, the whale is an alien ship. True Christopher Moore fashion- writing stories based on centuries and varieties of speculation that may have become the basis for history of many religious stories. Like it but hoping he wows me in the end.
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Coolness! :-D
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I finished, Fluke. Better late than never, right? LOL. It was not an alien ship but a ship created by the "goo" which represents God in this story. It was OK. Not one of his better books. While I liked parts of it and I think Christopher Moore is really good at slipping in bible parallels, challenging them respectfully, this one just didn't have the punch and felt a little lazy.
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