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Forum: Recommendations Wanted

suggestions for 80'ish avid reader

My mother in law is homebound and an avid reader. she has read everything in our local library. I've run out of ideas. She's recently read Macomber, Woodsmall, Beverly Lewis, Jane Peart, shelley shepard gray, Michael Phillips. She's read others. Obviously doesn't like paranormal which is my love (lol), need ideas for not neccessarily Amish, just light love interest and even mystery. so many books are more graphic than she likes.

any authors i can try now? Thanks!

10 years ago


There's a series by Lillian Jackson Braun, its called The Cat Who... A lot of older readers and those who just want a light, very easy going mystery series tend to like it. It centers around a middle-aged journalist and his crime-detecting Siamese cats.
10 years ago
I agree with the previous commentator on the Lillian Jackson Braun books about the cats. I would also suggest the following:

1 - the Elm Creek Quilts series by Jennifer Chiaverini
(good for even non-quilters)
2 - any of the Amish series' by Wanda Brunstetter
(Brides of Lancaster County, Kentucky Brothers, The Discovery,
Brides of Webster County, etc...)
3 - Beth Wiseman's books
4 - Cindy Woodsmall's books
5 - Suzanne Woods Fisher's Amish books
6 - Shelley Shepard Gray's Amish books
7 - Samantha Jillian Bayarr's Amish books
8 - Emma Miller's Amish books
9 - Beverly Lewis' Amish books
10 - Linda Byler's Amish books
11 - Mindy Starns Clark's Amish books
12 - Ruth Price's Amish books
13 - Patricia David's Amish books
14 - Amy Clipston's Amish books
15 - Charlotte Hubbard's Amish books
16 - Marie Bostwick's books

And many of these can be found in large print, if that is a concern. Good luck!

10 years ago