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Forum: Recommendations Wanted

Horror or Thriller Survival

To place a little background to this, I recently enjoyed the Japanese Visual Novels, 999 and Virtues Last Reward. The basic idea is that a bunch of people who are otherwise unconnected are all kidnapped and forced to play a game for their survival. Disobeying the rules is punishable by death.

This survival horror is what I am looking for in a book, however I am of course looking for a book. I like the idea of not knowing who you can trust and when the killed could be one of them but they have no idea, so paranoia runs high. It could also have a dwindling cast because they are dying by not solving the mystery first.

This idea is similar to Agatha Christi's "And then there were none." I am curious whether there are any other books in the area and if you might be able to suggest some.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this.

Margaret Elizabeth
11 years ago


I happened to have something of the kind in my inventory. This is the book: Pamela Oldfield : The Butterfly Box
Basically, the whole family is eliminated one by one. You can check it out first, no obbligation to mooch it, of course!
11 years ago
And of course The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins and Battle Royale by Koushun Takami. After you read the books, you can watch the movies.
11 years ago