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Forum: Recommendations Wanted

Shogun for kids?

My nephew is 13, but has a "college level" reading rating. He's been reading Manga about a young Samurai. I'd like to expose him to actual books, and gently direct him to more standard works (although I'm not saying he should give up he Manga, just widen his sources.) I talked to him about James Clavell's Shogun, and he's going to get it from the library but I think it might be a bit too adult for him.

does anybody have any similar suggestions for a more teenaged/YA audience about that period in Japan?



13 years ago


I'd highly recommend Lian Hearn's Across the Nightingale Floor. It's first in a trilogy of what turned out to be, I think, five. It has some elements of 'real' historical Japan, and some slightly fantastical and imagined ones, and lots of action.
Margaret H.
13 years ago
Thanks Margaret!
13 years ago