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Forum: Recommendations Wanted

Something absurd/surreal or just generally strange

The problem is that whenever I get excited about a writer and search for his/her books from bookmooch, I can't find anything! It's depressing, so I'd much appreciate it if someone recommended a GOOD book that can actually be found from bookmooch. I wonder if it's possible.. I have a strange taste. And it's difficult to describe it, too :D Well, I like anything deep that doesn't hesitate to get sidetracked in peculiar observations and stream of consciousness is very much appreciated. Also, any books with great, interesting and slightly(or not so slightly) mad characters who make one laugh are always worthwhile. Anything absurd, surreal.. And I don't much care for the new, popular writers though if you think there is an exception, let me know. I like Kafka, Poe and that lot.
I hope you can help me, thanks :)

14 years ago


Also, I've found that most writers I like a lot are a bit insane, so any insane writer recommendations are more that welcome(I mean, if they can write)! :)
14 years ago
my husband loves anne rice vampire books, but we have read them all! what else should we read?
14 years ago
Andy McDermott books are usually pretty good, and odd.
14 years ago
I would suggest Lanark: A life in 4 books by Alasdair Gray, but there are none available at the moment :-(
14 years ago
How do you fancy sci-fi?
Stranger in a strange land, by Robert A. Heinlein, should be strange enough to last a while :-)
14 years ago
If you're looking for strange and surreal, it's hard to go past Haruki Murakami. The novel "The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle" is probably his most famous work, but I'm a fan of his short stories as well.
13 years ago
It sounds like our taste is quite similar....The Dog Fighter is very exciting book. My all time favourite in fact. The main character is quite messed up and really keeps you wondering where it's all going.
12 years ago
It's not surreal, but it's complex: Neal Stephenson's Baroque Cycle. Not sure it's available on BM, but there are three HUGE volumes, the first one of which, has actually been published in three normal sized paperbacks. I think they are "Odalisk" "King of the Vagabonds" and ummm...something could check on Amazon or LibraryThing for more details.
12 years ago
Try "The Wooden Sea" by Jonathan Carroll.
12 years ago