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Forum: Newbie Bookmoocher Thread

What to do?

I mooched two books from a member. Today the envelope arrived empty. According to the post office - there two stamps on the envelope - the envelope was unsealed and arrived at my local post office empty. I am of course sad for not having the two books... but aside from that, I am not sure what do I do next. Do I mark as received but indicate that I am unhappy? Maybe the member could have used tape rather than rely on the envelope glue, but ultimately I am not sure it is her fault... Am I going to be out of my points? How to proceed? Thanks.

9 years ago


I wouldn't mark them as received, since you only got the envelope. I would mark the books lost (6 weeks after they have been mailed, the button should show up) and note at that time that you got an empty envelope.
The sender will not lose points for having two books go lost. If they have a lot books go lost, the admins may look into her account.
9 years ago
Thank you Sarah. I'll do that.
9 years ago

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