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Forum: Newbie Bookmoocher Thread

Recently added books

Hi! I'm quite new to this site and I was wondering if there's a way to organize available books. Specifically, I'm from the Netherlands and it would be very useful if I could sort the books offered here on date they were added, so that I can easily see new offers. I haven't figured out how to do that yet. Is it even possible? Thanks!

10 years ago


You can find this link: as well as others from the browse tab.

They are listed by date added.

10 years ago
Thanks, and I found those tabs, but that's from all over the world. What I meant is books specifically from one country. I can go to the location tab and pick the Netherlands, but it seems to be organized rather randomly and I did not find any way to sort them in a more logical way (date added, author's last name, etc.). Is there any way to see which books were most recently added, but only for the Netherlands?
10 years ago
When you are looking at recent books type the Netherlands into the "search recent books" box near the top of page and it will only show the ones from the Netherlands.
10 years ago
Thanks Kathers! That seems to work, or at least give me a number of recent books. I added 6 books yesterday and 3 of those are shown, as well as a few other books :)
10 years ago

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