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Forum: Newbie Bookmoocher Thread

Books in Welsh appear as if they're in English

Hello everyone. I've added a few books to my inventory that are written and published in Welsh, but appear in the list as if they are in English. There doesn't seem to be a way of changing this (it's not among the options you can fill in yourself). I've added a note in the Conditions area to say that the book is in Welsh (yn Gymraeg) but I'm guessing if someone wanted to search specifically for available books in Welsh (this is often how I search - by publication language), they wouldn't be able to, or, if they can, my books won't come up in the search results.
Any ideas, or reasons why this is?

10 years ago


I don't know why that is, some weird glitch with the database. But you can put a note in the "Review" field of the book details page which will show up for anyone looking at the book. If the ISBN you used is, indeed, for the Welsh editions (and looking at your inventory, it certainly appears that they are) then it would help anyone looking at the books to be reassured that they are in Welsh and not English.
10 years ago

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