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International mooches -- ok to accept some but not others?

I have my account set to "ask me first" for international mooches. I have occasionally sent books to Canada and Europe. However, I just sent my first book to Australia and the postage was really expensive. For me, even receiving 3 credits does not make it worth it.

So my question is -- in the future is it ok for me to be selective in accepting international mooches? Is it ok to reject mooches to Australia but accept mooches to Europe or Canada?

No sure if that would be breaking any unwritten rules....

12 years ago


Thanks for the tips. I agree with you re Canada, Mexico, and even Europe -- I sent a paperback there once and it cost about twice domestic postage, which I was ok with. But I just sent a thin (200 pages) paperback to Australia and it cost nearly $10. Ouch. I asked the postal employee if that was the cheapest alternative and she said it was. So I guess it just costs more -- a lot more -- to send down under.

I felt obligated to send this one because I had already accepted the mooch. But if I get anymore requests from that region I think I'm going to have to say no. I feel bad, but that's just too much $$.

12 years ago
For a long time I had my account set to 'ask first' and then indicated in my profile that I would send within North and South America but not overseas. Others have chosen to indicate which books are too heavy for them to send internationally, or overseas, in the condition notes. John has talked about setting up 'regions', so that someone could send just within Europe, say, or whatever. But until that happens I think you can approach it how you want, as long as you are clear and fair about it.

Back when the USPS still had international surface mail, there were some options, but now things can get mighty expensive especially for heavier books. Although $10 to Australia is pretty good - and considering you got 3 points for it it's not that much more expensive per point than a domestic mooch would have been. I have a vintage sewing book that someone in Australia wanted to buy (via a different site) and as far as I could tell the cheapest way to send it would cost $40. Ouch!

12 years ago
Thanks for the comments. I can understand postage to Australia being more, after all it is a long way.... But I was expecting something more like $5 or $6. Paying $9.60 to mail a small paperback hit me with sticker shock. :)
12 years ago

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