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Forum: historical fiction

The Other Bolyn Girl by Phllippa Gregory

I really enjoyed this book. There was enough historical authenticity to really engage me, while providing a fictional storyline.

Ann Snyder
14 years ago


Read Eliot Pattison's Jamestown books.
He has written a series of books featured in Tibet. His newest ones are in the colonial period.
14 years ago
Ed Harris, movie great, has this to say about Leon Cooper’s book, “Remembering Private Lamb”—
“The title character (not his name) is based on a real live, vital young man, one of the fallen during the battle of Tarawa, in November , 1943. Lamb’s story has haunted Leon throughout his life. Who was this man? what had been his life before it was taken from him? His dreams? His hopes? This is a story written by a man struggling to come to grips with the flood of feelings and emotions that have been roiling within him since that bloody, unforgettable morning many years ago.” On sale at Amazon and other book sellers
Leon Cooper’s book will be exhibited at the annual meeting of the American Library Association in Chicago, June 23-26.
Leon Cooper
7 years ago