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Problems with BookMooch notifications?

The past few days when I try to notify folks that their books have been sent (via the Pending tab on Book Mooch), they get bounced back to my regular e-mail. This morning I received an email from someone from whom I mooched a book and she wrote me directly because she was having the same problem with notifications. Anyone else? I am wondering if this is something I need to contact my 'Net source with, or if it is a BookMooch glitch. Thanks for any input!

10 years ago


You can contact tech support and ask them to look into the issue. My emails have been going through fine, so it could be related to your email provider. If you get a bounced back email, find the email address embedded in the header and email them directly from your email and the email should go through. Many email providers look at Bookmooch emails as spam.
10 years ago
Jennifer - actually, at least one message that I sent to a gmail user bounced as well.
10 years ago
yahoo has recently changed the way it accepts (or doesn't accept) certain types of email. I haven't heard about a similar problem with gmail?
10 years ago
Interestingly, while mooch notification emails have all been bouncing, I've been getting emails about updates to this thread just fine. I really don't know what to make of that.
10 years ago
That's my problem too. I'm using a Yahoo email for my BM account and I've noticed that messages I've sent through BM server to gmail, ymail, and accounts have bounced back. So people don't receive any of my BookMooch messages, but I get automatic messages just fine. The reason for this seems to be "Unauthenticated email from 'email domain' is not accepted due to domain's DMARC policy,”:
It seems to me some kind of new policy that blocks emails sent through another server, in this case BM servers.

I've emailed tech support, lets hope they can solve this asap.

10 years ago
Jennifer - in the meantime, if the email bounced you should be able to get the recipient's direct email address in the bounce notification. Then you can email them directly that you are making a mooch request. It's not ideal, but it's better than nothing, I suppose.
10 years ago
Many thanks to all of the great response. Not a "troll" in the bunch LOL! Since it is various different e-mail providers (and we know that means Internet providers as well) I am thinking that Mooch may not have updated something that indicates they are a real site and not a spammer or hacker or other nefarious source? Some people may have better security (personal and/or provider) so I will call my own provider (CenturyLink) and see if they can help--they are fairly nationwide and I have had good luck with their techies. It is obvious that it is a Mooch problem at bottom. So I will continue to investigate. In the meantime, direct e-mail after checking Mooch seems to be the only solution, so I will do that since all of my lenders and borrowers have been such sterling folk, I owe them that! Love & Light to All! Lynne
10 years ago
I don't get any emails telling me if someone is requesting a book. I just logged in today and noticed a pending request. I would never have known otherwise. Can I assume that I'll never be notified if something on my wishlist shows up?

Not sure what to do!

Deb Brown
10 years ago
From what I understand, gmail seems to be an exception, so you could create a gmail account and add it to your Bookmooch profile.
10 years ago
Well, Cara, I got that comment! I'll see what I can do. :)
Deb Brown
10 years ago
I'm not getting e-mails either, I switched to using gmail a year or so ago, because my other e-mail wasn't working for getting bookmooch e-mails. Haven't gotten any bounce notices regarding notices I've sent.
9 years ago
I have Yahoo, and all of my BM notifications are being sent back. I sent an e-mail to BM a few weeks ago asking about this, before I saw the forum. This morning I marked some books as "lost" as they haven't been marked as "received", and all of those notices came back to me. Perhaps they aren't lost at all; perhaps the "received" notices were lost. Very frustrating. I think it is a BM issue as it appears to be happening all over the place.
Jeannine Gardella
9 years ago
I have Yahoo and have noticed the same problem as most of you. I just had two BookMooch e-mails returned to me as undeliverable. I took the time to read the message carefully and this seems to be reason for the problem:

SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data:
550-5.7.1 Unauthenticated email from is not accepted due to domain's
550-5.7.1 DMARC policy. Please contact administrator of domain if
550-5.7.1 this was a legitimate mail. Please visit
550-5.7.1 to learn about DMARC
550 5.7.1 initiative. wg2si15697233pab.3 - gsmtp

It's all "Greek" to me but if I read correctly, BookMooch doesn't have the proper "DMARC policy." Sounds like this won't get any better until that policy is updated.

Linda Williams
9 years ago
More great comments and it is obvious that the problem is Mooch-wide. I am adding no new books to Book Mooch until the problem gets solved, IF it gets solved. I am still checking Mooch periodically to get requests so I can send books, but it means a bit of a delay since I don't check every day. When mail gets bounced, I get the e-mail address and try to notify people directly and those go through just fine, which means our e-mails are working just fine and it is a Mooch problem. Enough people have written that Mooch should be aware of the issue. In the meantime, I am adding new books to Paperback Swap instead and am doing all my book exchanges there. Thanks for the great input everyone! 'Preciate it!
9 years ago
Hi, I have noticed the same problem. I use AOL mail,, and all my Bookmooch communications have bounced back to me. Someone actually cancelled a request and had my account put on hold because I never saw her emails! Does anyone know how someone can do that? Also how do you report a problem to the Bookmooch folks? Thanks.
9 years ago
An account can be put on vacation if someone hasn't replied to a mooch request in a week and the requester states so when they cancel the request. You can contact tech support by clicking the abuse button from any profile page.
9 years ago
Great. Thanks for the info, Cara.
9 years ago
I think forcibly putting members' accounts on "vacation" for not replying within a week is unreasonable. Many people are still not glued to their laptop/iphone (or don't have either one) and sometimes don't have access to their email day and night. I think this should be extended to at least two weeks, and the member should be notified by personal email that his/her account is now "on vacation."
9 years ago
Absolutely. And the only reason this happened to me was because Bookmooch was having technical problems! I've been a member since 2006 in good standing, and was shocked that someone could do that.
9 years ago
It looks like John has made an effort to address this issue. Emails have changed Fingers crossed!
9 years ago
Irony? I found 3 of these new messages in my junkmail/SPAM folder. I hope my replies got to the addressees mail boxes.
9 years ago
I just got another one in my junk/spam folder. I suppose I will just have to keep a close eye on my junk mail.
9 years ago

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