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Forum: Disappointments?

The Time Traveler's Wife

I had heard so many people talk about The Time Traveler's Wife, and when the movie came out (which I never saw), I decided I should read it. Oh man, I found it sooo boring and I could not get into it at all. The idea of the plot was interesting, but the characters just seemed really distant and unsympathetic to me. I rarely stop reading a book once I start it, but this was one exception. I read about 1/3 of the book when I realized I dreaded picking it up again to continue reading. I figured I was wasting time I could use to read something I actually enjoyed, so I posted the book to give away. I hope someone else is now enjoying it :)

14 years ago


We read this book in our book group and everyone hated it except me. I loved it! It has to be one of my top 10 books ever. I was hooked right into the love story and found the idea of this little boy travelling through time alone so compelling - then to fall in love with someone who, at times, was just a little girl, was such an interesting concept and beautifully handled by Niffenegger. I was engrossed.
14 years ago