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Bookmarks available in USA, UK and Europe

I have plenty of BookMooch bookmarks available for mooching. These are full color, glossy bookmarks that are a lot of fun to have in a book.

They're also really great to include in books you give to people who don't know about BookMooch.

Bookmarks are one of the most common ways people find out about BookMooch. Lots of people who use BookMooch and Paperbackswap include a book in each book they send on PBS, which is great advertising for us!

I have about 200 boxes of them in California, and another 100 or so boxes in London, so you can mooch them from the USA or the UK (if you're in Europe).

These are available for free to members who give a little.

If you mooch a large box of 500 cards, help spread them around by including a dozen with each book you send out.

If you'd prefer to just have a small amount of bookmarks, I'm also sending out envelopes of 25 bookmarks at a time to people who do not "give a little".


BookMooch Bookmarks
12 years ago


Awesome! Thank you so much John!
12 years ago
love the cards they are great i send 10 out with each book that i send out! thanks John!
12 years ago
US Moochers, please remember that bookmarks make your packages ineligible for media mail. You would probably get away with it if you slip one bookmark inside the book, but if you're adding a dozen, you stand a decent chance of your package being inspected and arriving postage due to the recipient.

This does not apply to international shipments or first class mail (small books).

If you're shipping bookmarks, they have to go first class or priority mail, they cannot go media mail or library rate.

If you ship them to someone at the wrong rate, they definitely could arrive postage due. USPS has really stepped up media mail inspections in the past few months.

12 years ago
and you also can't put any extras in packages that you send as 'printed paper' from the UK.
12 years ago
If you've never seen a Bookmooch bookmark, they're really cool. I recommend leaving them places IRL.

Where have you left bookmarks before? Or who have you given bookmarks to?

12 years ago
Is this the opening salvo of a new marketing offensive?
12 years ago
Just a thanks to the BookMoochers who contributed points to my account allowing me to assist some of my patients with books. I received several points yesterday which were put to good use this afternoon at work. One patient's wish list has been reduced by about 8 books and she is excited about contributing some of her unwanted books to bookmooch. She actually met me at the door when I was leaving with several books. I have posted them and 2 of those were already wishlisted so that's a couple more books off her long list of wishes that will be obtained.

Much appreciated :-)


12 years ago
I love the Bookmooch cards and bookmarkers. I always include a few,in the package, when I mail books to moochers. I also leave a handful in the teachers lounge at my son's school. So many books that I have mooched have gone to the school library along with a handful of bookmarkers. They are well received and I thank you for offering them.
12 years ago