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new feature: upload files and images

There's a super-secret feature I've had all to myself for some time: the ability to upload files (and images) to BookMooch, so they can be included in forum postings and book descriptions.

To access this feature, go to:

I haven't previously published this feature, because I was worried about abuse (ie, hosting pirated music or something). But, it's only available to members, so let's give it a try and see how things go.

John Buckman
6 years ago


Well... so I uploaded some photos. Now how to add them to my existing books?

If things work well, I will add more photos.

Knygu Ziurke
6 years ago
great idea!
6 years ago
Love this idea, can't wait to start using this feature!
Jonathan Currinn
6 years ago
I like the idea very much, thank you!! Book covers are important to me, so it's very cool to be able to improve book decriptions adding images.

I've just seen your other post about how to embed images using html ( beautiful pictures, by the way...) I've changed the image width to 200 and it works like a charm!!

6 years ago
So excited to try this! It will be useful when there are times that the covers don't match the database for a specific ISBN, or you want to show *what* "It has a few creases" actually means.
6 years ago
I can't find how to upload the cover of a book !!!
Can someone help me ?
Thank you.
Anne Hilaire
6 years ago
Hi! I'll try to explain how I think it works...

1. Go to

2. Look for the image in your computer(left button) and press upload.

3. Press Files button and you are back to upload page with a list of existing files uploaded by you.

4. Press View button of the image you have uploaded.

5. Copy the adress where the image has been stored, it should be something like this:

6. Go to the book file where you want to add the image. Press Condition.

7. To show the image in Condition, you have to write something like this (it's html code):

<img width=200 src="">

img width=200 is how big you want the image to be. I've found that 150-200 is ok, but you can change this as you wish: bigger number, bigger picture.

means source= the address where the image has been stored in Bookmooch.
It changes for every picture, so every time you want to add a picture, you have to copy every picture address.

So, more or less, the html code is always the same,the only variations are imagename.jpg and the img width if you want to change it.

If it doesn't work, check if something is missing: some character like > or ", bad image address. etc.

I hope it helps...


6 years ago
Many thanks for your explanations !
Best wishes from France.
Anne Hilaire
6 years ago
Have really enjoyed being a member of the BookMooch community and swapping books with like minded members.

What the heck happened to all the book data and details? Binding info, publishing date, photo, reviews - all missing. These were very helpful details, please don't remove them....that's taking the site backwards.

Looks like forums are mostly gone, too??

6 years ago
Just followed Marie's explanation and it worked! The first time I had a symbol wrong and only had the code showing but when corrected the pic came up


6 years ago
Glad it helped!!

Best wishes. :-)

6 years ago