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Forum: Angel Network Discussion

Changing the scope of this Forum

We've managed to duplicate the "angel request" forums but since this one has fewer requests, maybe it could evolve into the Angel Network Discussion Forum which John suggested in the other Angel Request Forum.

He posted that he'd like to see an angel discussion thread to deal with:
"Lots of things:
- what should be on the mooch angels web site
- how should new angels be recruited & helped
- problems with angeling
- working/discussing with me about how angeling could/should work with BM

For example, there have been some features I've added in the past that have made angeling easier, and some that have made it harder, but I had no real way to hear about it.

Basically, mooch angels represent (along with the bm journals) a wonderful new use of my project (bookmooch) as well as representing a core personal value of mine (international exchange) and I'd like to do what I can to promote that use and cause."

Jenni Canuck
14 years ago