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Forum: A book search among friends

On Hazardous Service by Mervyn Lamb

After the success for Sandra, I am after a copy of the book in the subject line. It was written by my husband's grandfather. It appears to be an outdated adventure story (published in the 1920s) but he didn't make any of it up!

There are other books by that name but they are not it!

14 years ago


I verified your book at the British Library. Let's see if this link will work on the forum:

"pp. viii. 304. W. Blackwood & Sons: Edinburgh & London, 1921"

This gives you more clues; the number of pages, publisher, place of publication, and the fact that it was published in 1921.

No copies at AbeBooks or Alibris right now (but I suspect that you've already checked them).

If that publisher still exists in Edinburgh or London, you might try contacting them to see if they might have reprints.

14 years ago
No chance of it being reprinted - it wasn't a success - the fact that it was written by an British intelligence officer from WWI and he didn't make a thing up is little known!
14 years ago
In that case your husbands grandfather must have been a friend of my great grandfather because I have a copy dedicated to my great grandfather from the author! :)
8 years ago