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Smooches received

2009/03/14 Thanks so much for agreeing to be my BM-angel - as it turns out there was some sort of miscommunication and the book's now been sent directly to me after all, so ... yeah. ^^;

I'm definitely going to pester you again if ever again I 'need' a US BM-angel, though. (Threat or promise? Who knows?)

Here's to hoping some of those titles on your wishlist will show up soon!

Az (Netherlands)
2009/03/02 jbatson (Canada)
2009/03/02 jbatson (Canada)
2009/03/02 An extra for helping me out! thanks!!! jbatson (Canada)
2009/03/02 jbatson (Canada)
2009/03/02 jbatson (Canada)
2008/07/04 anonymous
2008/07/04 anonymous
2008/05/21 Thanks!!! Leena (Finlande)
2008/01/11 Thanks for being an Angel. Joanna Collie (New Zealand)
2007/10/28 Because you've always sent Mooches quickly and carefully – you go above and beyond the norm. It makes a difference. So here's an extra twinkle for your halo.
Thanks Angel!
Joanna Collie (New Zealand)