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Regnery Pub


Mark Fuhrman Murder in Brentwood0
Giovanni Oration on the Dignity of Man0
Patrick B. McGuigan Criminal Justice Reform: A Blueprint0
Natsume Soseki Kokoro0
Henry Hazlitt From Bretton Woods to World Inflation: A Study of the Causes and Consequences0
Saint, Bishop of Hippo Augustine Political Writings of St. Augustine0
Aleksandr Isaevich Solzhenitsyn From Under the Rubble0
Robert M. Augros The New Story of Science0
Jay Robert Nash The Dillinger Dossier0
Adam Smith An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations0
Edward Timperlake Target: Taiwan0
Alexandre Dumas The Count of Monte Cristo0
Reed Irvine Media Mischief And Misdeeds (Signed)0
Kevin A. (Edited, With Intro & Commentary) Ring Scalia Dissents Writings of the Supreme Court's Wittiest, Most Outspoken Justice0
M.Meeker Boys Should Be Boys:7 Secrets to Raising Healthy Sons0
James Delingpole Welcome to Obamaland: I Have Seen Your Future and It Doesn't Work0
Steven G. (Editor) / Scalia, Antonin (FRW) Calabresi Originalism: A Quarter-Century of Debate0
Martin Heidegger What Is a Thing?0
Igor Schafrevich Socialist Phenomenon0
Richard Howard Stafford Crossman The God That Failed0
Stanley L. Jaki The Purpose of It All0
Paul Martin We Serve: A History of the Lions Clubs0
Clayton R. Newell Lee Vs. McClellan: The First Campaign0
Plato Euthypro, Crito, Apology, and Symposium0
Ludwig von Mises Economic Policy: Thoughts for Today and Tomorrow0
Bernard Goldberg Bias A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the News0
Gary Aldrich Unlimited Access An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House0
Donald Dewey James Stewart: A Biography0
Edmund Burke Selected Writings and Speeches0
Karl Jasper Philosophy and the World: Selected Essays and Lectures0
Jeffrey A. Eisenach The People's Budget: A Common Sense Plan for Shrinking the Government in Washington0
Richard Powers The Dilemma of Education in a Democracy0
James K. Fitzpatrick God, Country, and the Supreme Court0
Russell Kirk The Conservative Constitution0
Alexandre Dumas The Count of Monte Cristo: Gateway Movie Classics (Count of Monte Cristo Vol. II)0
Aquinas, Saint Thomas Treatise on Law0
MegMeeker Strong FathersStrong Daughters 10 Secrets Every Father Should Know - 2006 publication0
MarkFuhrman Murder in Brentwood0
Shyam (Daniel McGrory) Bhatia Brighter Than The Baghdad Sun Saddam Hussein's Nuclear Threat to the United stat0
Regnery Publication Dereliction of Duty, The Eyewitness Account of How BIll Clinton Compromised Amer0
Laura Ingraham Shut Up and Sing: How Elites from Hollywood, Politics, and the UN Are Subverting America0
Callista Gingrich,Callista (PHT) Gingrich Newt Gingrich Rediscovering God in America0
Peter F. Stevens Peter F. Stevens Fatal Dive: Solving the World War II Mystery of the USS Grunion0
Mary Bagley Front Row: Missouri's Grand Theatres0
Karl Von Clausewitz War Politics and Power0
Ferdinand Tonnies Custom: An Essay on Social Codes0
Philip Khuri Hitti The Arabs: A Short History0
Abraham Harold Maslow Psychology of Science: A Reconnaissance0
Karl Jaspers Nietzsche: An Introduction to His Philosophical Activity0
Aquinas, Saint Thomas An Introduction to the Metaphysics of St. Thomas Aquinas: Texts0


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