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Australia Council


Sydney City Council The Story of Electricity0
Ruth Tudor Teaching 20th Century Women's History: A Classroom Approach (History Teaching)0
Constantine M Panunzio The deportation cases of 1919-1920;0
Stefan Talmon The Occupation of Iraq: Volume 2: The Official Documents of the Coalition Provisional Authority and the Iraqi Governing Council (Documents in International Law)0
Cleora Butler Cleora's Kitchens: The Memoir of a Cook & Eight Decades of Great American Food0
Manuel Hinds Playing Monopoly with the Devil: Dollarization and Domestic Currencies in Developing Countries (Council on Foreign Relations Book)0
Robert Somerville Pope Urban II's Council of Piacenza0
Sara H. Banks Remember My Name (The Council for Indian Education Series)0
James Jervis The Cradle City of Australia: A history of Parramatta: 1788-19610
Edmund Blunden War poets, 1914-1918 (Bibliographical series of supplements to British book news on writers and their work)0
Editior,National Research Council, . Lynn Arthur Steen On_The_Shoulders_Of_GIANTS_New_Approaches_to_Numeracy0
Department of, . Canada. Justice Correspondence, reports of the Minister of Justice and Orders in Council upon the subject of Provincial legislation, 1899-1900;0
Guy H. Wood Selecta, 19900
Anne Pattel-Gray Through Aboriginal Eyes the Cry from the Wilderness: The Cry from the Wilderness0
John Beckett Council House Nottingham and the Old Market Square0
Alan Bignell Kent: a Place in History0
Olga Cossi Fire Mate (Council for Indian Education Series)0
Ann Chandonnet Chief Stephen's Parky: One Year in the Life of an Athapascan Girl (The Council for Indian Education Series)0
Marlo L Newton Making a difference: A history of the National Council of Jewish Women of Australia0
Ways of Seeing: Story from Different Angles : Collected Papers of the 2nd National Conference of the Children's Books Council of Australia, Held in0
Tameside Learning Support Service Teaching History in the Inclusive Classroom0
Dorothy Page The National Council of Women: A Centennial History0
Ray Markey In case of oppression: The life and times of the Labor Council of New South Wales0
Peter Morton After Light: A History of Adelaide and Its City Council 1878-19280
Alexander Bieri Crisis, Credibility and Corporate History (International Council on Archives Studies Lup)0
Evan T. Pritchard Henry Hudson and the Algonquins of New York: Native American Prophecy and European Discovery, 16090
Jurate Morkuniene Globalization and Culture: Outlines of Contemporary Social Cognition (Series IVA, Volume 38) (Lithuanian Philosophical Studies, VII: Cultural Heritage ... Change: Iva Eastern and Central Europe)0
Wentworth (Ont. : County) By-laws of the County of Wentworth: revised and consolidated by order of the Council, in the year 1862. Alexander Brown, warden. --0
Ontario. Council of Public Instruction Fifth book of lessons: for the use of schools. Authorized by the Council of Public Instruction for Upper Canada.0
Frederick Charles Danvers Report to the Secretary of State for India in Council on the Records of the India Office: Records Relating to Agencies, Factories, and Settlements Not ... of the Government of India (Classic Reprint)0
Joseph K. Dixon The Vanishing Race, The Last Great Indian Council0
Joseph K. Dixon The Vanishing Race - The Last Great Indian Council - A Record In Picture And Story Of The Last Great Indian Council0
Dorman Bridgman Eaton Our police courts: speeches of D. B. Eaton, esq., on the bill to secure better administration in the police courts of the City of New York, made before ... Council of Political Reform, March, 1873, w0
Ezra S. Carr Prof. Carr's reply to inquiries of joint committee of California State Grange, Mechanics' Deliberative Assembly and Mechanics' State Council: September 5, 1874.0
Union League of America. New York State Council. Proceedings of the State Council of the Union League of America for the state of New York at its first annual session, held in the city of New York on the 25th day of November, 1863.0
Warren H. Cudworth Eulogy on the life, character and public services of the late President Abraham Lincoln: delivered before Council No. 33, Union League of America, at Sumner Hall, East Boston, May 8, 18550
William H Harrison Report Of The Committee Of Arrangements Of The Common Council Of The City Of New York0
A. Theodore Wirgman The Constitutional Authority Of Bishops In The Catholic Church: Illustrated By The History And Canon Law Of The Undivided Church From The Apostolic Age To The Council Of Chalcedon, A.D. 4510
Claude Fleury The ecclesiastical history of M. l'abbé Fleury, from the Second Ecumenical Council to the end of the fourth century / translated with notes and an essay on the miracles of the period0
Evan James MacGillivray A treatise upon the law of copyright [electronic resource]: in the United Kingdom and the Dominions of the Crown, and in the United States of America : ... conventions, Orders in Council, Tr0
Joseph Warren Scott Col. Scott's letter to Judge Nevius, Mr. Lupp, and Mr. Wood, of New Brunswick, on the constitutional organization of the Legislative council of New Jersey, October, 18410
Thomas Walter Perry Notes on the judgment of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in the appeal Hebbert v. Purchas, delivered February 23, 18710
J M. 1796-1881 Cramp A text-book of popery: comprising a brief history of the Council of Trent, and a complete view of Roman Catholic theology0
Pennsylvania (Colony). Provincial Counci Minutes of the Provincial Council of Pennsylvania from the organization to the termination of the proprietary government0
George Drach The Telugu mission of the General Council of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in North America, containing a biography of the Rev. Christian Frederick Heyer, M. D.0
Theodore Alois Buckley The catechism of the Council of Trent0
Auguste M Boyer Kharosti inscriptions discovered by Sir Aurel Stein in Chinese Turkestan. Transcribed and edited by A.M. Boyer, E.J. Rapson, and E. Senart. Published ... Secretary of State for India in Council0
Robert C. 1809-1894 Winthrop Oration delivered before the City Council and citizens of Boston: on the one hundredth anniversary of the Declaration of American Independence, July 4, 18760
Susan D. ive Merrow Sierra Club President and Council /chair: effective volunteer leadership, 1980s-1990s : oral history transcript / 19940
Charles Henry Cochrane Memories of a great printer; biographical sketches of the career of Charles Francis, who procticed his art on three continents, founded the ... council in 1919; introduced arbitration0


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