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Sam & Roger Moskowitz & Elwood Other Times, Other Worlds0
Moskowitz Sam & Roger Elwood Other Worlds, Other Times0
Roger; Moskowitz, Sam (editors) (Edmond Hamilton; Robert Bloch; Erle Stanley Gardner; Arthur C. Clarke; Clifford D. Simak; Ray Bradbury; A. E. van Vogt; Andre Norton; Isaac Asimov) Elwood ALIEN EARTH: The Past Master; Rain Magic; Ultimate Melody; The Loot of Time; Doodad; Automaton; The People of the Crater; Franchise0
Sam; Elwood, Roger (Lester del Rey; Fritz Leiber; Jack Williamson; Robert Bloch; Clifford D. Simak; L. Sprague de Camp; John Wyndham; A. E. van Vogt; Andre Norton) Moskowitz THE TIME CURVE: Unto Him That Hath; Nice Girl With Five Husbands; Death of a Dinosaur; Terror Out of Time; Time Wounds All Heels; Over the River and Through the Trees; A Gun for Dinosaur; Operation Deep; The Great Judge; The Gifts of Asti0

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