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mieke bal


Mieke Bal Narratology: Introduction to the Theory of Narrative0
Mieke Bal A Mieke Bal Reader0
Mieke Bal Looking In: The Art of Viewing (Critical Voices in Art, Theory & Culture)0
Mieke Bal Acts of Memory: Cultural Recall in the Present0
Mieke Bal The Artemisia Files: Artemisia Gentileschi for Feminists and Other Thinking People0
Mieke Bal Videodreams: Between The Cinematic And The Theatrical0
Mieke Bal The Mottled Screen: Reading Proust Visually0
Mieke Bal Lethal Love: Feminist Literary Readings of Biblical Love Stories (Indiana Studies in Biblical Literature)0
Mieke Bal The Artemisia Files: Artemisia Gentileschi for Feminists and Other Thinking People0
Mieke Bal Murder and Difference: Gender, Genre, and Scholarship on Sisera's Death (Indiana Series in Biblical Literature)0
Ruth Richardson Mieke Bal Death and Dissymmetry: The Politics of Coherence in the Book of Judges0
Mieke Bal Looking in: The Art of Viewing (Critical Voices in Art, Theory and Culture)0
Mieke Bal Narratology: Introduction to the Theory of Narrative0
Mieke Bal The Practice of Cultural Analysis: Exposing Interdisciplinary Interpretation (Cultural Memory in the Present)0
Mieke Bal The Practice of Cultural Analysis: Exposing Interdisciplinary Interpretation (Cultural Memory in the Present)0
Mieke Bal The Mottled Screen: Reading Proust Visually0
Mieke Bal Anti-covenant: Counter-reading Women's Lives in the Hebrew Bible (The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies)0
Mieke Bal Of What One Cannot Speak: Doris Salcedo's Political Art0
Mieke Bal Death and Dissymmetry: The Politics of Coherence in the Book of Judges (Chicago Studies in the History of Judaism)0
Mieke Bal Reading Rembrandt: Beyond the Word-Image Opposition (Amsterdam University Press - Amsterdam Archaeological Studies)0
Mieke Bal Brief: Intellectual Traditions in Movement0
Mieke Bal De theorie van vertellen en verhalen: Inleiding in de narratologie (Dutch Edition)0
Mieke Bal En Sara in haar tent lachte--: Patriarchaat en verzet in bijbelverhalen (Tekst en maatschappij) (Dutch Edition)0
Mieke Bal Verkrachting verbeeld: Seksueel geweld in cultuur gebracht (Dutch Edition)0
Mieke Bal Het Rembrandt effect: Visies op kijken (Kwarto-reeks)0
Mieke Bal Femmes imaginaires: L'Ancien Testament au risque d'une narratologie critique (Collection ES/Ecrire les femmes) (Dutch Edition)0
Mieke Bal Reading Rembrandt: Beyond the Word-Image Opposition (Amsterdam University Press - Amsterdam Archaeological Studies)0
Mieke Bal The Point of Theory: Practices of Cultural Analysis0
Mieke Bal The Point of Theory: Practices of Cultural Analysis0
Mieke Bal Art and Visibility in Migratory Culture: Conflict, Resistance, and Agency (Thamyris/Intersecting: Place, Sex and Race)0
Mieke Bal Louise Bourgeois: Memory and Architecture0
Mieke Bal Teoria de la narrativa/ Narrative Theory: Una Introduccion a La Narratologia (Critica y Estudios Literarios) (Spanish Edition)0
Mieke Bal Frida Kahlo0
Mieke Bal Devil-May-Care: The Nordic Pavilion and Its 50th Anniversary at the Venice Biennale 20030
Mieke Bal Hovering Between Thing and Event0
Mieke Bal Kulturanalyse (suhrkamp taschenbuch wissenschaft)0
Mieke Bal Narratologie: Essais sur la signification narrative dans quatre romans modernes (Les Instances du recit) (French Edition)0
Mieke Bal Thinking in Film: The Politics of Video Installation According to Eija- Liisa Ahtila0
Mieke Bal Endless Andness: The Politics of Abstraction according to Ann Veronica Janssens0
Mieke Bal Endless Andness: The Politics of Abstraction according to Ann Veronica Janssens0
Mieke Bal Thinking in Film: The Politics of Video Art Installation According to Eija-Liisa Ahtila0
Mieke Bal Endless Andness: The Politics of Abstraction According to Ann Veronica Janssens0
Mieke Bal Endless Andness: The Politics of Abstraction According to Ann Veronica Janssens0
Mieke Bal Shocking Stockings0
Mieke Bal On Meaning-Making: Essays in Semiotics (Foundations & Facets) (Foundations and Facets Literary Facets)0
Mieke Bal On Story-Telling: Essays in Narratology (Foundations and Facets) (Foundations and Facets Literary Facets)0
Mieke Bal Acts of Memory: Cultural Recall in the Present0
Mieke Bal The Point of Theory: Practices of Cultural Analysis0
Mieke Bal The Point of Theory: Practices of Cultural Analysis0
Mieke Bal Double Exposures: The Subject of Cultural Analysis0


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