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hans goedicke


Hans Goedicke Old Hieratic Palaeography0
Hans Goedicke The Battle of Megiddo0
Hans Goedicke Re-Used Blocks from the Pyramid of Amenemhet I at Lisht (Publications of the Metropolitan Museum of Art Egyptian Expedition, V. 20)0
Professor Hans Goedicke The Report of Wenamun (Johns Hopkins Near Eastern Studies)0
Hans Goedicke Die Geschichte des Schiffbruchigen (Agyptologische Abhandlungen) (German Edition)0
Hans Goedicke The Speos Artemidos Inscription of Hatshepsut and Related Discussions0
Hans Goedicke Pi(ankhy) in Egypt0
Hans Goedicke Studies about Kamose and Ahmose0
Hans Goedicke Problems concerning Amenophis III0
Hans Goedicke Perspectives on the Battle of Kadesh0
Hans Goedicke Studies in the Hekanakhte Papers0
Hans Goedicke Comments on the "famine stela" (Varia Aegyptiaca)0
Professor Hans Goedicke The Protocol of Neferyt - The Prophecy of Neferti (Johns Hopkins Symposia in Comparative History)0
Professor Hans Goedicke Unity and Diversity: Essays in the History, Literature, and Religion of the Ancient Near East (Studies in International Affairs, No. 22)0
Professor Hans Goedicke Near Eastern Studies in Honor of William Foxwell Albright( ill.)0
Professor Hans Goedicke Report about the Dispute of a Man with His Ba, Papyrus, Berlin 3024 (Johns Hopkins Near Eastern Studies)0

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