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duby georges


Georges Duby William Marshal0
Duby Georges Male moyen age. De l'amour et autres essais0
georges duby i peccati delle donne nel medioevo0
Georges Duby L'Europa nel Medioevo0
Georges Duby, Michelle Perrot Storia delle donne in occidente. Il novecento0
Georges and Aries, Philippe (editors) Duby A History of Private Life: Revelations of the Medieval World0
Georges Duby Storia della Francia0
Georges Duby Storia della Francia0
Georges Duby Il potere delle donne nel Medioevo0
Georges Duby Guerreros y Campesinos (Spanish Edition)0
Georges Duby La chevalerie0
Georges Duby Mâle Moyen Age : De l'amour et autres essais0
Georges Duby Mâle Moyen Age (French Edition)0
Duby Dames du xiie siecle0
Georges Duby Histoire de la France, tome 2 : De 1348 à 18520
Georges Duby Histoire de la France des origines à 13480
Georges Duby L'avventura di un cavaliere medievale0
Georges Duby History of Venice in Painting0
Georges Duby A History of Women in the West, Volume V: Toward a Cultural Identity in the Twentieth Century (History of Women in the West)0
Georges Duby Sculpture from Antiquity to the Middle Ages: From the Eighth Century Bc to the Fifteenth Century (Taschen Jumbo Series)0
Georges Duby Sculpture: From Antiquity to the Present Day (Midi Series)0
Georges Duby Rural Economy and Country Life in the Medieval West (Middle Ages Series)0
Georges Duby Love and Marriage in the Middle Ages0
Georges Duby The Three Orders: Feudal Society Imagined0
Georges Duby The Knight, the Lady and the Priest: The Making of Modern Marriage in Medieval France0
Georges Duby The Early Growth of European Economy: Warriors and Peasants from the Seventh to the Twelfth Centuries (World Economic History Series)0
Georges Duby William Marshall: The Flower of Chivalry0
Georges Duby and Philippe Aries A History of Private Life: Revalations on the Medieval World0
DUBY Georges L'economia rurale nell'Europa medievale0
Georges Duby Lo specchio del feudalesimo0
Georges Duby HISTORY OF WOMEN IN THE WEST [5 V]: I From Ancient Goddesses to Christian Saints, II Silences of the Middle Ages, III Renaissance and Enlightenment Paradoxes, IV Emerging Feminism from Revolution to World War, V Toward Cultural Identity in the 20th C (A History of Women in the West, 1-5)0
Georges Aries Philippe and Duby A HISTORY OF PRIVATE LIFE, volume 2 only: Revelations of the Medieval World0
Gen'L Editor Philippe Aries; Gen'L Editor Georges Duby; Editor-Paul Veyne; Foreword-Georges Duby; Translator-Arthur Goldhammer A History of Private Life (From Pagan Rome to Byzantium)0
Mandrou Robert Georges Duby A History Of French Civilization0
Philippe Aries and Georges Duby A History of Private Life, Volume II: Revelations of the Medieval World0
Georges (editor); Veyne, Paul (editor); Aries, Philippe (editor); Goldhammer, Arthur (translator) Duby A History of Private Life Vol. II : Revelations of the Medieval World0
Georges Duby Matrimonio medievale (Le silerchie)0
Georges Duby L'avventura di un cavaliere medievale0
Georges Duby Le origini dell'economia europea. Guerrieri e contadini nel Medioevo0
Georges Duby Il cavaliere, la donna, il prete0
Georges Duby Donne nello specchio del Medioevo0
Georges Duby L'arte e la società medievale0
Georges Duby Storia delle donne in Occidente: 20
Georges Duby Storia delle donne in Occidente: 10
Georges Duby Guglielmo il maresciallo. L'avventura del cavaliere0
Georges Duby Storia delle donne in Occidente: 50
Michelle Perrot Georges Duby Storia delle donne in Occidente vol. 4 - L'ottocento0
Georges Duby Medioevo maschio. Amore e matrimonio0
Georges Duby L'anno Mille. Storia religiosa e psicologia collettiva0
Georges Duby Atlante storico. La storia del mondo in 335 carte0


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