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accounting hospitality managers


Ramond Coe Accounting for Hospitality Managers0
RaymondCote Accounting for Hospitality Managers, 4TH EDITION0
Accounting for Hospitality Managers with Answer Sheet (EI) (5th Edition) by Cote, Raymond Published by Educational Institute 5th (fifth) edition (2012) Paperback0
CHRIS. GUILDING Accounting Essentials for Hospitality Managers. Routledge. 2009.0
Cathy Burgess Essential Financial Techniques for Hospitality Managers: A Practical Manual0
Chris Guilding Accounting Essentials for Hospitality Managers, Volume 17, Second Edition (Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism)0
Raymond Cote Accounting for Hospitality Managers0
Accounting for Hospitality Managers0
Raymond Cote Accounting for Hospitality Managers0
Elisa S. Moncarz Financial Management for Hospitality: A Handbook for Corporate Controllers & Other Financial Managers, 20100
MICHAEL SARGENT Successful Pubs and Inns (Hospitality Managers' Pocket Book)0
Stan Lomax Best Practices for Managers and Expatriates: A Guide on Selection, Hiring and Compensation0
Albert E. Kudrle Public Relations for Hospitality Managers: Communicating for Greater Profits0
Chris Guilding Accounting Essentials for Hospitality Managers0
Raymond Cote Accounting for Hospitality Managers with Answer Sheet (EI) (5th Edition)0
Ken Langdon Essential Managers: Putting Customers First (Essential Managers Series)0
Scott Holmes Small Business and Accounting: Building a Profitable Relationship between Owner/Managers and Accountants0

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