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Mortimer Wheeler


Sir Mortimer Wheeler, ed. Swans Hellenic Cruises0
SIR MORTIMER WHEELER Roman Art and Architecture0
Mortimer Wheeler Civilizations of the Indus Valley and Beyond0
Robert Eric Mortimer, Sir Wheeler Roman Art and Architecture (World of Art)0
Mortimer Wheeler Roman Art and Architecture0
Robert Eric Mortimer Wheeler Archaeology from the earth (Pelican books A356)0
Mortimer; Mortimer Wheeler Wheeler Archaelology from the Earth (A Pelican Book)0
Mortimer Wheeler Roman Art and Architecture0
Sir Mortimer Wheeler Archaeology from the Earth (A Pelican Book)0
Mortimer Wheeler Roman Art and Architecture0
Robert Eric Mortimer Wheeler London in Roman Times (London Museum Catalogues. no. 3.)0
Mortimer Wheeler Roman Art and Architecture (Praeger World of Art Paperbacks)0
Sir Mortimer Wheeler South Asian Archaelology0
Mortimer Wheeler The Indus Civilization0
Mortimer Wheeler Roman Art and Architecture0
Robert Eric Mortimer Wheeler Rome beyond the Imperial Frontiers. With a map0
Robert Eric Mortimer Wheeler Rome beyond the Imperial Frontiers (Pelican Books. no. A 335.)0
Sir Mortimer Wheeler Rome Beyond the Imperial Frontiers0
Sir Mortimer & Hugh Trevor-Roper & AJP. Taylor (Editors). Wheeler HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH SPEAKING PEOPLES : VOLUME 13.0
Sir Mortimer & Hugh Trevor-Roper & AJP. Taylor (Editors). Wheeler HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH SPEAKING PEOPLES : VOLUME 9.0
Sir Mortimer & Hugh Trevor-Roper & AJP. Taylor (Editors). Wheeler HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH SPEAKING PEOPLES : VOLUME 8.0
Sir Mortimer Wheeler Maiden Castle, Dorset0
Sir Mortimer Wheeler Rome Beyond the Imperial Frontiers0
Mortimer Wheeler Rome beyond the imperial frontiers0
Mortimer Wheeler Archaeology from the Earth0
Robert Eric Mortimer Wheeler Rome Beyond the Imperial Frontiers0
Mortimer Ed Wheeler Splendors of the East Temples Tombs and Fo0
Sir Mortimer Wheeler Splendours of the East0
Mortimer Wheeler The Indus Civilization0
Sir Mortimer Wheeler My Archaeological Mission to India and Pakistan0
Robert Eric Mortimer Wheeler Flames Over Persepolis: Turning Point in History0
Sir Mortimer Wheeler Flames Over Persepolis0
Mortimer Wheeler L'art romain0
Robert Eric Mortimer Wheeler Caerleon Roman amphitheatre and Prysg Field barrack buildings,: Monmouthshire [and] Caerllion, (Ministry of Public Building and Works. Official guidebook)0

Academics of the Institute of Archaeology: Mortimer Wheeler, David R. Harris, Ronald F. Tylecote, Tadeusz Sulimirski, Iosif Amusin0
Books Group British archaeologists: Arthur Evans, Kathleen Kenyon, T. E. Lawrence, Mortimer Wheeler, Aurel Stein, Margaret Murray, Austen Henry Layard0
George Dales Excavations at Mohenjo Daro, Pakistan: The Pottery, With an Account of the Pottery from the 1950 Excavations of Sir Mortimer Wheeler (University Museum Monograph)0
F. Raymond Allchin Antecedents of the Indus Civilization (Mortimer Wheeler Archaeological Lectures)0
Frontiers of the Indus civilization: Sir Mortimer Wheeler commemoration volume0
Jacquetta Hawkes Robert Eric Mortimer Wheeler, 1890-19760
M. I. Finley Schliemanns Troy: One Hundred Years After (Mortimer Wheeler Archaeological Lectures)0
Jacquetta Hopkins Hawkes Adventurer in archaeology: The biography of Sir Mortimer Wheeler0
Jacquetta Hawkes Mortimer Wheeler: Adventurer in Archaeology0
M. I Finley Schliemann's Troy - one hundred years after (Mortimer Wheeler archaeological lectures)0
J. B Ward-Perkins Quarrying in antiquity;: Technology, tradition and social change, (Mortimer Wheeler archaeological lecture, British Academy, 1971)0
Books LLC Isle of Man Tt Riders: Mike Hailwood, John Surtees, Phil Read, Jack Findlay, Giacomo Agostini, Chas Mortimer, Ron Haslam, Arthur Wheeler0
Vassos Karageorghis Kition, Mycenaean and Phoenician (Mortimer Wheeler archaeological lecture)0
Himanshu Prabha Ray Colonial Archaeology in South Asia: The Legacy of Sir Mortimer Wheeler0

Mrs. Brown0
Strangers in Good Company0


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