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Martinus Nijhoff Publishers


Martinus Nijhoff, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers Fondscatalogus0

Rein Mullerson Regime Change: From Democratic Peace Theories to Forcible Regime Change (Nijhoff Law Specials)0
Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann The GATT/WTO Dispute Settlement System:International Law, International Organizations and Dispute Settlement (Nijhoff Law Specials, Vol 23)0
Shaheeza Lalani The Role of the State in Investor-State Arbitration (Nijhoff International Investment Law)0
D. Dutton Concept of Creativity in Science and Art (Martinus Nijhoff philosophy library)0

Hurst Hannum Guide to International Human Rights Practice (Procedural Aspects of International Law Monograph Series)0
Nazila Ghanea Minorities, Peoples and Self-Determination: Essays in Honour of Patrick Thornberry0
Freya Baetens Frontiers of International Economic Law: Legal Tools to Confront Interdisciplinary Challenges0
Paul Sharp American Diplomacy0
Budislav Vukas International Law: New Actors, New Concepts Continuing Dilemmas: Liber Amicorum Bozidar Bakotic0
Michael Salter US Intelligence, the Holocaust and the Nuremberg Trials: Seeking Accountability for Genocide and Cultural Plunder (History of International Relations, Diplomacy, and Intelligence)0
Edward McWhinney Self-Determination of Peoples and Plural-ethnic States in Contemporary International Law: Failed States, Nation-building and the Alternative, Federal Option0
Summers Peoples and International Law: How Nationalism And Self-Determination Shape a Contemporary Law of Nations (Erik Castren Institute Monographs on International Law and Human Rights)0
Finn Laursen The Treaty of Nice: Actor Preferences, Bargaining and Institutional Choice (Constitutional Law Library)0
Ralph Crawshaw Human Rights and Policing (Raoul Wallenberg Institute Professional Guides to Human Rights)0
[(Implementing International Economic Law: Through Dispute Settlement Mechanisms )] [Author: Yusuf Aksar] [Sep-2011]0
[(The Enigma of Comparative Law: Variations on a Theme for the Twenty-First Century )] [Author: Esin Orucu] [Jun-2004]0
M. Francis; Lejard-Boutsavath, Edith; Martz, J. Jean Jacques Rosenstiel Annuaire Europeen 1999 / European Yearbook Vol. LXVII (47) 19990
Andrew Clapham Homosexuality in the European Community:A Report on the Legal and Social Situati0
Military Training and Children in Armed Conflict: Law,Policy and Practice by Jenny Kuper (2005-01-01)0
Christine Rossini English As a Legal Language0
Maurizio Giuliano The United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (Untaet): Debriefing and Lessons : Report of the 2002 Tokyo Conference0
Eva Brems Human Rights: Universality and Diversity (International Studies in Human Rights, Volume 66)0
Inter-American Yearbook on Human Rights. Anuario Interamericano de Derechos Humanos 1997 (2 Volume Set) (v. 13, 1997)0
Geraldine Bueren The International Law on the Rights of the Child (International Studies in Human Rights, 35)0
Samuel Hayes Islamic Law and Finance: Religion, Risk, and Return (Arab and Islamic Laws, Vol. 16) (Arab and Islamic Laws Series)0
Kemal Baslar The Concept of the Common Heritage of Mankind in International Law (Developments in International Law)0
Kelly Askin War Crimes Against Women:Prosecution in International War Crimes Tribunals0
W.E. Burhenne International Environmental Soft Law: Supplement 4: Collection of Relevant Instruments0
Rudolf Dolzer Bilateral Investment Treaties0
J. G. van Dillen Van Rijkdom En Regenten Handboek Tot De (Dutch Edition)0
Myron H. Nordquist United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 (Volume V)0
Ijaz Hussain Dissenting and Separate Opinions at the World Court (Legal Aspects of International Organization, No 3)0
Frederic Gilles Sourgens A Nascent Common Law: The Process of Decisionmaking in International Legal Disputes Between States and Foreign Investors (International Litigation in Practice)0
Omar E. Garcia-Bolivar Recognition and Enforcement of International Commercial Arbitral Awards in Latin America: Law, Practice and Leading Cases0
Wenhua Shan China and International Investment Law: Twenty Years of ICSID Membership (Silk Road Studies in International Economic Law)0
Paul B., III Stephan Foreign Court Judgments and the United States Legal System (Sokol Colloquium)0
Rachael Lorna Johnstone Offshore Oil and Gas Development in the Arctic Under International Law: Risk and Responsibility (Queen Mary Studies in International Law)0
Benedetto Conforti The Italian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 21 (2011)0
Hans-Joachim Koch Climate Change and Environmental Hazards Related to Shipping: An International Legal Framework0
Thierry Baudet The Significance of Borders0
Tarcisio Gazzini International Investment Law. the Sources of Rights and Obligations0
Cyril Laucci The Annotated Digest of the International Criminal Court, Volume 3 (Annotated Digest of International Criminal Court)0
Eva Lievens Protecting Children in the Digital Era: The Use of Alternative Regulatory Instruments (International Studies in Human Rights)0
Rephael Harel Ben-Ari The Normative Position of International Non-Governmental Organizations Under International Law: An Analytical Framework0
Patricia Mallia Migrant Smuggling by Sea: Combating a Current Threat to Maritime Security Through the Creation of a Cooperative Framework (Publications on Ocean Development)0
Campbell McLachlan Lis Pendens in International Litigation (The Pocket Books of the Hague Academy of International Law//Les Livres De Poche De L'academie De Droit International De La Haye)0
Michael Abbell International Prisoner Transfer 20100
Emmanuel Gaillard Aspects Philosophiques Du Droit De L'arbitrage International (The Pocket Books of the Hague Academy of International Law/Les Livres De Poche De L'academie ... International De La Haye) (French Edition)0
Ekaterina Yahyaoui Krivenko Women, Islam and International Law: Within the Context of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (Graduate Institute of International Studies)0


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