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RENNAP I. Anti-Semitism and the Jewish Question0
John (1909-) Eaton Marx against Keynes : a reply to Mr. Morrison's "socialism".0
Karl; Engels, Frederick Marx Karl Marx and Frederick Engels: Selected Works in One Volume0
Archibald Robertson Socialism and Religion: an Essay0
William Gallacher "Rise like lions."0
Hetan Shah A New Political Economy0
Katharine Burdekin Swastika Night0
Karl Marx Karl Marx and Frederick Engels: Selected Works0
Stewart Bird Solidarity Forever: The IWW: an Oral History of the Wobblies0
Antonio Gramsci Prison Notebooks: Selections0
Charles Desmond Greaves The Life and Times of James Connolly0
A. L Morton The world of the Ranters: Religious radicalism in the English Revolution0
g v plekhanov The Materialist Conception of History0
Karl Marx The German Ideology0
Antonio Gramsci Selections from Cultural Writings0
Sara Ahmed Happiness (New Formations)0
Carolyn Burdett Eugenics Old and New (New Formations)0
Antonio Gramsci A Gramsci Reader0
Ansell-pearson Keith Parry Ben Cultural Readings of Imperialism0
BURDEKIN Swastika Night0
John Sommerfield May Day0
John Kelly A Giant's Strength?: Trade Unions and Modern Capitalism0
George Rude The Crowd in History 1730-1848--A Study of Popular Disturbances in France and England0
Antonio Gramsci Selections from Political Writings0
The General Strike, 19260
Frida Knight The French resistance, 1940 to 19440
Karl Marx Precapitalist Economic Formations0
David Forgacs Rethinking Italian Fascism: Capitalism, Populism and Culture.: Capitalism, Populism and Culture0
Maurice Campbell Cornforth The open philosophy and the open society: A reply to Dr. Karl Popper's reflutations of Marxism0
Friedrich Engels The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State0
Lorraine Gamman Female Fetishism: A New Look0
John Mahon Harry Pollitt0
Maksim Gorky The last plays of Maxim Gorki;0
Frida. Knight The strange case of Thomas Walker : ten years in the life of a Manchester radical.0
Henry Collins The London Corresponding Society0
E. P Thompson William Morris, romantic to revolutionary0
Agnes Smedley China's Red Army Marches0
A L Morton The World of the Ranters: Religious Radicalism in the English Revolution0
Dolores Ibarruri They Shall Not Pass The Autobiography of La Pasionaria0
Dambudzo Marechera THE BLACK INSIDER0
H Fagan The English Rising of 1381.0
Yvonne Kapp Eleanor Marx, Volume II: The Crowded Years (1884-1898)0
Ivor Montagu The Traitor Class0
George Rude The Crowd in History0
Stetson Kennedy Jim Crow Guide to the USA: The Laws, Customs and Etiquette Governing the Conduct of Nonwhites and other Minorities as Second-Class Citizens0
Josef Macek The Hussite movement in Bohemia0
Sukjwant Dhaliwal Women Against Fundamentalism: Stories of Dissent and Solidarity0
David Bennett The Currency of Desire: Libidinal Economy, Psychoanalysis and Sexual Revolution0
David Forgacs Antonio Gramsci: Selections from Cultural Writings0
Mark Perryman Breaking Up Britain: Four Nations After a Union0


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