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Bruce Boston Death of a Super Anti-Hero0
Sherwood Smith Finding the Way0
Sherwood Smith Excerpts from the Diary of a Henchminion0
Jonathan Lethem Ninety Percent of Everything0
Nancy Kress The Flowers of Aulit Prison0
Nancy Kress Beggars in Spain0
Stephen Dedman Depth of Field0
Stephen Dedman Tourist Trade0
Stephen Dedman As Wise As Serpents0
Jay Lake Into the Gardens of Sweet Night0
Michael Arnzen Phrenological Love0
Sherwood Smith Daria's Window0
Jim Razzi Demons and Dragons0
Bruce Boston The Stardrifter Grounded0
Michael Arnzen Receiver0
Charlie Stross Lobsters0
Allen Steele Agape Among The Robots0
Damien Broderick The Dreaming [Also published as The Dreaming Dragons]0
Damien Broderick The Ballad Of Bowsprit Bear's Stead0
Jeffrey Ford Creation0
Damien Broderick The Magi0
Damien Broderick A Passage In Earth0
Michael Arnzen Spring Ahead, Fall Back0
Bruce Boston Pulp Woman Gets Her Man0
Greg Egan Silver Fire0
George R.R. Martin The Stone City0
Ursula K. Le Guin The Day Before the Revolution0
David J. Schow Not from Around Here0
George R.R. Martin Sandkings0
David J. Schow Jerry's Kids Meet Wormboy0
Damien Broderick Infinite Monkey0
Walter Jon Williams The Bob Dylan Solution0
Larry Niven Inconstant Moon0
Damon Knight To Serve Man0
Ed Gorman The Day the Music Died0
Lois McMaster Bujold Labyrinth0
Lois McMaster Bujold The Borders of Infinity0
Edith Wharton The Reef0
Larry Niven Procrustes (Oxford World's Classics)0
Robert Reed The Cuckoo's Boys0
Larry Niven Wrong Way Street0
James Fenimore Cooper The Oak Openings, or The Bee-Hunter0
Greg Egan Reasons To Be Cheerful0
Greg Egan Luminous0
Greg Egan The Planck Dive0
Greg Egan Transition Dreams0
Larry Niven Becalmed in Hell0
Larry Niven All the Myriad Ways0
Larry Niven Grendel0
George Alec Effinger Marid Changes His Mind0


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